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In this part we'll look less at Python, and more generally at the principles behind modelling the world, introducing some of the background to elements we coded in the Core course. Note that the final slides on the modelling process are quite extensive, so leave plenty of time for them! There's also a handout with a couple of exercises to work through: see below.

First, an introduction to modelling.

Screenshot: A slide from the powerpoint

modelling basics (powerpoint)

Further info:

Di Paolo, E. A., Noble, J. and Bullock, S. (2000) Simulation models as opaque thought experiments In: Seventh International Conference on Artificial Life, pp. 497-506, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Next, two example models: Cellular Automaton and Agent Based Models.

Screenshot: A slide from the powerpoint

CA and ABM (powerpoint)

Finally, let's look at the modelling process.