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School of Geography

Cities & Social Justice Projects

Leeds City Lab

PI: Paul Chatterton

Co-I: Gary Dymski

Social, economic and political change have placed increased responsibility on local communities and institutions to work differently to respond to grand challenges such as climate change, low economic growth and widening inequality. New models are needed for the co-production of knowledge that supports policy innovation based on more inclusive processes.
This project aims to explore the learning, capacity building and delivery potential of a partnership, the ‘Leeds co-production lab’. The lab will be a vehicle for bringing together residents, local universities, businesses, government agencies, third-sector and civil-society organizations to experiment with localized decision-making, shared research, policy-planning and other activities.
The research will be completed through three phases. The first phase will involve refining and finalising research questions, forming learning clusters, exploring shared understandings of co-production and best practice of city-lab models. The second phase involves three identical workshops with each learning cluster to explore the key research questions. The final phase will bring together project partners in an interactive day-long workshop to reflect and learn from the results and produce a final report. 

Start date: February 2015

End date: July 2015

Funder: ESRC

Project website: