Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractCASDataHandler   

Uses of AbstractCASDataHandler in

Subclasses of AbstractCASDataHandler in
 class AbstractOutputDataHandler
          Abstract class for handling data output.
 class CAS001DataHandler
          Class for handling an individual CAS001DataRecords.
 class CAS002DataHandler
          Class for handling an individual CAS001DataRecords.
 class CAS003DataHandler
          Class for handling an individual CAS003DataRecords.
 class CAS044DataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CAS044DataRecord and collections of CAS044DataRecords.
 class CASAreaEastingNorthingDataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASAreaEastingNorthingDataRecord and collections of CASAreaEastingNorthingDataRecords.
 class CASDataHandler
          A class for holding the following collection of AbstractCASDataHandlers so as to access respective AbstractCASDataRecords: CAS001DataHandler CAS002DataHandler CAS003DataHandler CASKS002DataHandler CASKS008DataHandler CASKS010DataHandler CASKS017DataHandler CASKS020DataHandler CASKS09bDataHandler CASKS09cDataHandler CASKS12bDataHandler CASKS12cDataHandler CASKS14bDataHandler CASKS14cDataHandler
 class CASDataHandler_2
          A class for holding the following collection of AbstractCASDataHandlers so as to access respective AbstractCASDataRecords: CAS001DataHandler CAS002DataHandler CAS003DataHandler CASKS002DataHandler CASKS006DataHandler CASKS008DataHandler CASKS010DataHandler CASKS017DataHandler CASKS020DataHandler CASKS09bDataHandler CASKS09cDataHandler CASKS12bDataHandler CASKS12cDataHandler CASKS14bDataHandler CASKS14cDataHandler Developed for MoSeS. Copyright (C) 2007 Andy Turner, University of Leeds.
 class CASDataHandler_GA_IPS
          A class for holding the following collection of AbstractCASDataHandlers so as to access respective AbstractCASDataRecords: CAS001DataHandler CAS003DataHandler CAS044DataHandler CASKS006DataHandler CASKS008DataHandler Developed for MoSeS. Copyright (C) 2006 Andy Turner, University of Leeds.
 class CASKS002DataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS002DataRecord and collections of CASKS002DataRecords.
 class CASKS006DataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS006DataRecord and collections of CASKS006DataRecords.
 class CASKS008DataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS006DataRecord and collections of CASKS006DataRecords.
 class CASKS010DataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS010DataRecord and collections of CASKS010DataRecords.
 class CASKS013DataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS013DataRecord and collections of CASKS013DataRecords.
 class CASKS015DataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS015DataRecord and collections of CASKS015DataRecords.
 class CASKS017DataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS017DataRecord and collections of CASKS017DataRecords.
 class CASKS020DataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS020DataRecord and collections of CASKS020DataRecords.
 class CASKS023DataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS023DataRecord and collections of CASKS023DataRecords.
 class CASKS09bDataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS09bDataRecord and collections of CASKS09bDataRecords.
 class CASKS09cDataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS09cDataRecord and collections of CASKS09cDataRecords.
 class CASKS12bDataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS12bDataRecord and collections of CASKS12bDataRecords.
 class CASKS12cDataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS12cDataRecord and collections of CASKS12cDataRecords.
 class CASKS14bDataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS14bDataRecord and collections of CASKS14bDataRecords.
 class CASKS14cDataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASKS14cDataRecord and collections of CASKS14cDataRecords.
 class CASUV003DataHandler
          A class for handling an individual CASUV003DataRecord and collections of CASUV003DataRecords.
 class MarkOutputDataHandler_1
          A class for handling output data wanted by Mark Birkin.
 class MarkOutputDataHandler_2
          A class for handling output data wanted by Mark Birkin.
 class OutputDataHandler_ControlConstraints
          Class for handling output that confirms results control constrain.
 class OutputDataHandler_NonConstraints
          Class for handling output that compares some non-constraint variables in the CAS and IndividualCensus outputs.
 class OutputDataHandler_NonConstraints_1
          Class for handling output that compares some non-constraint variables in the CAS and IndividualCensus outputs.
 class OutputDataHandler_OptimisationConstraints_1
          Class for handling output that compares some optimisation constraint variables in the CAS and IndividualCensus outputs.
 class SWSDataHandler
          Class for handling Special Workplace Statistics (SWS) DataRecords.
 class ToyModelDataHandler
          A specialist handler for accessing CASKS002Records and information about the collection.
 class ToyModelHSARDataHandler
          A specialist handler for accessing CASKS002Records and information about the collection.

Uses of AbstractCASDataHandler in

Methods in that return AbstractCASDataHandler
 AbstractCASDataHandler IndividualCensus.get_CASDataHandler()
          For returning the _CASDataHandler to be used