
Class Summary
Aggregator This class is to provide a method to aggregate records with variables for distinct variable values
Comparison For producing a set of comparison regression reports.
FormatData A class for formatting all original census data into more readable forms.
FormatGENESISData A class for formatting all original census data into more readable forms.
GeneticAlgorithm An abstract class to be extended by classes that evolve a better fitting Individual and Household level data for the UK.
IndividualCensus Abstract class
IndividualCensus_HSARHP_ISARCEP_PC Class for creating an individual census using sampling with replacement.
IndividualCensus_ISARHP_ISARCEP A class for integrating the 2001 UK Population Census Individual SAR and Census Area Statistics to create an individual level census data set for the UK.
IndividualCensus_ISARHP_ISARCEP_PC Class for creating an individual census using sampling with replacement.
LoadData A class for loading formatted data and generating serialised handlers.
LoadGENESISData A class for loading formatted data and generating serialised handlers.
MappingReport A class for generating maps comparing CAS data with IndividualCensus outputs in the form of geographical maps.
MappingReport_1 A class for generating maps comparing CAS data with IndividualCensus outputs in the form of geographical maps.
RegressionReport A class for generating maps comparing CAS data with IndividualCensus outputs in the form of regression plots.
RegressionReport_1 A class for generating maps comparing CAS data with IndividualCensus outputs in the form of regression plots.
RegressionReport_2 A class for generating maps comparing CAS data with IndividualCensus outputs in the form of regression plots.
RegressionReport_UK1 A class for generating maps comparing CAS data with IndividualCensus outputs in the form of regression plots.