GitHub, Eclipse, and Validation

In the practicals we've largely looked at working with our own code, or code that comes with the JDK. However, a key skill for programmers, once they have the hang of the basics, is working with other people's code.

This set of tutorials, therefore, starts you down this road, while also looking at some ideas around model validation. There are three tutorials, but you can work through any number of them you like. The first looks at GitHub, a source repository where you can store your own Open Source code and manage software projects. The second deals with integrating other people's code into your projects, while the third uses both to runs some multi-scale validation software written by Nick Malleson.

Note that these tutorials were written for our Masters courses, so you'll need to adjust the directory structures used.

Part A: Working with GitHub: this part will introduce you to GitHub and get you to the point where you can download Nick's code.

Part B: Adding a source branch to an Eclipse project: this will show you how to add part of a source tree to Elipse.

Part C: Multiscale Validation: here you'll run Nick's application to do some multi-scale validation.