Class ISARDataRecord

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable

public class ISARDataRecord
extends AbstractDataRecord

For representing an Individual SAR Data Record and providing safe access to the data.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  short _ACCTYPE
          Accomodation type
protected  short _AGE0
          Age of respondents grouped
protected  short _BATHWC
          Use of bath/shower/toilet
protected  short _CARS0
          Cars/vans owned or available for use
protected  short _CENHEAT0
          Central heating
protected  short _CESTATUS
          Status in communal establishment
protected  short _CETYPE
          Type of communal establishment
protected  short _COBIRT0
          Country of birth
protected  short _COMBGN
          Community background-religion or religion brought up in (Northern Ireland)
protected  short _COUNTRY
          Country of usual residence
protected  short _DENSITY
          Household density: number of residents per room
protected  short _DISTMOV0
          Distance of move of migrant-banded
protected  short _DISTWRK0
          Distance to work
protected  short _ECONACT
          Economic activity (last week)
protected  short _EDISDONO
          Number of times information donated
protected  short _ETHEW
          Ethnic group for England and Wales
protected  short _ETHN
          Ethnic group for Northern Ireland
protected  short _ETHS
          Ethnic group for Scotland
protected  short _EVERWORK
          Ever worked
protected  short _FAMTYP
          Family type
protected  short _FNDEPCH
          Dependent children in family
protected  short _FRECONAC
          Economic position of family reference person (FRP)
protected  short _FRNSSEC
          NS-SEC socio-economic classification of family reference person
protected  short _FRSEX
          Sex of family reference person
protected  short _FURN
          Accomodation furnished (Scotland)
protected  short _GAELREAD
          Whether reads Gaelic (Scotland);
protected  short _GAELSPK
          Whether speaks Gaelic (Scotland)
protected  short _GAELSTND
          Whether understands Gaelic (Scotland)
protected  short _GAELWRIT
          Whether writes Gaelic (Scotland)
protected  short _GENIND
          Generation indicator
protected  short _HEALTH
          General health over last twelve months
protected  short _HEDIND
          Household education indicator (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
protected  short _HEMPIND
          Household employment indicator (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
protected  short _HHLTHIND
          Household health and disability indicator (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
protected  short _HHSGIND
          Household housing indicator
protected  short _HNCARERS
          Number of carers in household
protected  short _HNEARNRS
          Number of employed adults in household
protected  short _HNELDERS
          Number of persons in household aged 65 or over
protected  short _HNFAMS
          Number of families in household
protected  short _HNLLTI
          Number in household with limiting long-term illness
protected  short _HNPRHLTH
          Number of household members with poor health
protected  short _HNRESDNT
          Number of usual residents in household
protected  short _HOURSPW
          Hours worked weekly
protected  short _HOURSPWG
          Hours worked weekly-grouped
protected  short _HRSOCGRD
          Social grade of household reference person
protected  long _ID
          Person's unique identifier
protected  short _INDSTRY0
protected  short _IRISLANG
          Whether reads/speaks/understands/writes Irish (Northern Ireland)
protected  short _ISCO
          International standard classification of occupations
protected  short _LASTWORK
          Year last worked
protected  short _LLTI
          Limiting long term illness
protected  short _LOWFLOR0
          Lowest floor level of household living accomodation
protected  short _MARSTAT
          Marital status
protected  short _MIGIND
          Migration indicator
protected  short _MIGORGN
          Migrants: area of former residence
protected  short _MULTETH
          Multiple ethnicity household indicator
protected  short _NSSEC
          NS-SEC Socio-economic classifications
protected  short _OCCUPNCY
          Occupancy rating of household
protected  short _ONCPERIM
          One number census status
protected  long _PNUM
          Record identifier
protected  short _PROFQUAL
          Profesional qualification (England and Wales)
protected  short _PROVCARE
          Number of hours care provided per week
protected  short _QUALVEWN
          Level of highest qualifications (aged 16-74) (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
protected  short _QUALVS
          Level of highest qualifications (aged 16-74) (Scotland)
protected  short _REGION
          Region of usual residence
protected  short _RELGEW
          Religion (England and Wales)
protected  short _RELGS1
          Religion belongs to (Scotland)
protected  short _RELIGN
          Religion (Northern Ireland)
protected  short _RELTOHR
          Relationship to Household Reference Person
protected  short _ROOMSFLR
          Number of floor levels (Northern Ireland)
protected  short _ROOMSNUM
          Number of rooms in occupied household space
protected  short _SELFCONT
          Accomodation self contained
protected  boolean _SEX
protected  short _SOCMIN
          Standard occupational classification 2000-minor
protected  short _SOCSUBMJ
          _SOC (sub-mjor)
protected  short _STAHUK
          Households with students away during term time
protected  boolean _STUDENT
          Schoolchild or student in full-time education
protected  short _SUPERVSR
protected  short _TENUREW
          Tenure of accomodation (England and Wales)
protected  short _TENURSN
          Tenure of accomodation (Scotland and Northern Ireland)
protected  short _TERMTIME
          Term time address of students or schoolchildren
protected  short _TRANWRK0
          Transport to work, UK (including to study Scotland)
protected  short _WLSHREAD
          Whether reads Welsh (England and Wales)
protected  short _WLSHSPK
          Whether speaks Welsh (England and Wales)
protected  short _WLSHSTND
          Whether understands Welsh (England and Wales)
protected  short _WLSHWRIT
          Whether writes Welsh (England and Wales)
protected  short _WORKFORC
          Size of workforce
protected  short _WRKPLCE0
          Workplace (England, Wales and Scotland)
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new ISARRecord
ISARDataRecord( _RandomAccessFile)
          Creates a new ISARRecord
Method Summary
protected  void _Init()
          Initialises all values.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object object)
          Overrides equals in Object
 short get_ACCTYPE()
          Returns a copy of this._ACCTYPE
 short get_AGE0()
          Returns a copy of this._AGE0
 short get_BATHWC()
          Returns a copy of this._BATHWC
 short get_CARS0()
          Returns a copy of this._CARS0
 short get_CENHEAT0()
          Returns a copy of this._CENHEAT0
 short get_CESTATUS()
          Returns a copy of this._CESTATUS
 short get_CETYPE()
          Returns a copy of this._CETYPE
 short get_COBIRT0()
          Returns a copy of this._COBIRT0
 short get_COMBGN()
          Returns a copy of this._COMBGN
 short get_COUNTRY()
          Returns a copy of this._COUNTRY
 short get_DENSITY()
          Returns a copy of this._DENSITY
 short get_DISTMOV0()
          Returns a copy of this._DISTMOV0
 short get_DISTWRK0()
          Returns a copy of this._DISTWRK0
 short get_ECONACT()
          Returns a copy of this._ECONACT
 short get_EDISDONO()
          Returns a copy of this._EDISDONO
 short get_ETHEW()
          Returns a copy of this._ETHEW
 short get_ETHN()
          Returns a copy of this._ETHN
 short get_ETHS()
          Returns a copy of this._ETHS
 short get_EVERWORK()
          Returns a copy of this._EVERWORK
 short get_FAMTYP()
          Returns a copy of this._FAMTYP
 short get_FNDEPCH()
          Returns a copy of this._FNDEPCH
 short get_FRECONAC()
          Returns a copy of this._FRECONAC
 short get_FRNSSEC()
          Returns a copy of this._FRNSSEC
 short get_FRSEX()
          Returns a copy of this._FRSEX
 short get_FURN()
          Returns a copy of this._FURN
 short get_GAELREAD()
          Returns a copy of this._GAELREAD
 short get_GAELSPK()
          Returns a copy of this._GAELSPK
 short get_GAELSTND()
          Returns a copy of this._GAELSTND
 short get_GAELWRIT()
          Returns a copy of this._GAELWRIT
 short get_GENIND()
          Returns a copy of this._GENIND
 short get_HEALTH()
          Returns a copy of this._HEALTH
 short get_HEDIND()
          Returns a copy of this._HEDIND
 short get_HEMPIND()
          Returns a copy of this._HEMPIND
 short get_HHLTHIND()
          Returns a copy of this._HHLTHIND
 short get_HHSGIND()
          Returns a copy of this._HHSGIND
 short get_HNCARERS()
          Returns a copy of this._HNCARERS
 short get_HNEARNRS()
          Returns a copy of this._HNEARNRS
 short get_HNELDERS()
          Returns a copy of this._HNELDERS
 short get_HNFAMS()
          Returns a copy of this._HNFAMS
 short get_HNLLTI()
          Returns a copy of this._HNLLTI
 short get_HNPRHLTH()
          Returns a copy of this._HNPRHLTH
 short get_HNRESDNT()
          Returns a copy of this._HNRESDNT
 short get_HOURSPW()
          Returns a copy of this._HOURSPW
 short get_HOURSPWG()
          Returns a copy of this._HOURSPWG
 short get_HRSOCGRD()
          Returns a copy of this._HRSOCGRD
 long get_ID()
          Returns a copy of this._ID
 short get_INDSTRY0()
          Returns a copy of this._INDSTRY0
 short get_IRISLANG()
          Returns a copy of this._IRISLANG
 short get_ISCO()
          Returns a copy of this._ISCO
 short get_LASTWORK()
          Returns a copy of this._LASTWORK
 short get_LLTI()
          Returns a copy of this._LLTI
 short get_LOWFLOR0()
          Returns a copy of this._LOWFLOR0
 short get_MARSTAT()
          Returns a copy of this._MARSTAT
 short get_MIGIND()
          Returns a copy of this._MIGIND
 short get_MIGORGN()
          Returns a copy of this._MIGORGN
 short get_MULTETH()
          Returns a copy of this._MULTETH
 short get_NSSEC()
          Returns a copy of this._NSSEC
 short get_OCCUPNCY()
          Returns a copy of this._OCCUPNCY
 short get_ONCPERIM()
          Returns a copy of this._ONCPERIM
 long get_PNUM()
          Returns a copy of this._PNUM
 short get_PROFQUAL()
          Returns a copy of this._PROFQUAL
 short get_PROVCARE()
          Returns a copy of this._PROVCARE
 short get_QUALVEWN()
          Returns a copy of this._QUALVEWN
 short get_QUALVS()
          Returns a copy of this._QUALVS
 short get_REGION()
          Returns a copy of this._REGION
 short get_RELGEW()
          Returns a copy of this._RELGEW
 short get_RELGS1()
          Returns a copy of this._RELGS1
 short get_RELIGN()
          Returns a copy of this._RELIGN
 short get_RELTOHR()
          Returns a copy of this._RELTOHR
 short get_ROOMSFLR()
          Returns a copy of this._ROOMSFLR
 short get_ROOMSNUM()
          Returns a copy of this._ROOMSNUM
 short get_SELFCONT()
          Returns a copy of this._SELFCONT
 boolean get_SEX()
          Returns a copy of this._SEX
 short get_SOCMIN()
          Returns a copy of this._SOCMIN
 short get_SOCSUBMJ()
          Returns a copy of this._SOCSUBMJ
 short get_STAHUK()
          Returns a copy of this._STAHUK
 boolean get_STUDENT()
          Returns a copy of this._STUDENT
 short get_SUPERVSR()
          Returns a copy of this._SUPERVSR
 short get_TENUREW()
          Returns a copy of this._TENUREW
 short get_TENURSN()
          Returns a copy of this._TENURSN
 short get_TERMTIME()
          Returns a copy of this._TERMTIME
 short get_TRANWRK0()
          Returns a copy of this._TRANWRK0
 short get_WLSHREAD()
          Returns a copy of this.__WLSHREAD
 short get_WLSHSPK()
          Returns a copy of this._WLSHSPK
 short get_WLSHSTND()
          Returns a copy of this._WLSHSTND
 short get_WLSHWRIT()
          Returns a copy of this._WLSHWRIT
 short get_WORKFORC()
          Returns a copy of this._WORKFORC
 short get_WRKPLCE0()
          Returns a copy of this._WRKPLCE0
 int getAgeInt()
          _AGE0 is banded as follows: For ( 0 <= _AGE0 <= 15 ) or ( 75 <= _AGE0 <= 94 ) _AGE0 represent individual years of age.
 long getSizeInBytes()
          Returns the size of record in bytes as a long 198
 int hashCode()
 boolean parse(long _RecordID, java.lang.String line)
          Parses line to modify this setting this._RecordID=_RecordID.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Returns a string description of this;
 void write( aRandomAccessFile)
          Writes this to aRandomAccessFile at the current position.
Methods inherited from class
_Init, compareTo, get_RecordID, getNumberOfBitsInByte, toCSVString, toCSVStringFields
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected short _AGE0
Age of respondents grouped


protected short _CESTATUS
Status in communal establishment


protected short _CETYPE
Type of communal establishment


protected short _COBIRT0
Country of birth


protected short _COMBGN
Community background-religion or religion brought up in (Northern Ireland)


protected short _COUNTRY
Country of usual residence


protected short _DISTMOV0
Distance of move of migrant-banded


protected short _DISTWRK0
Distance to work


protected short _ETHEW
Ethnic group for England and Wales


protected short _ETHN
Ethnic group for Northern Ireland


protected short _ETHS
Ethnic group for Scotland


protected short _GAELREAD
Whether reads Gaelic (Scotland);


protected short _GAELSPK
Whether speaks Gaelic (Scotland)


protected short _GAELSTND
Whether understands Gaelic (Scotland)


protected short _GAELWRIT
Whether writes Gaelic (Scotland)


protected short _GENIND
Generation indicator


protected short _HEALTH
General health over last twelve months


protected long _ID
Person's unique identifier


protected short _IRISLANG
Whether reads/speaks/understands/writes Irish (Northern Ireland)


protected short _LLTI
Limiting long term illness


protected short _MARSTAT
Marital status


protected short _MIGIND
Migration indicator


protected short _MIGORGN
Migrants: area of former residence


protected long _PNUM
Record identifier


protected short _PROFQUAL
Profesional qualification (England and Wales)


protected short _PROVCARE
Number of hours care provided per week


protected short _QUALVEWN
Level of highest qualifications (aged 16-74) (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)


protected short _QUALVS
Level of highest qualifications (aged 16-74) (Scotland)


protected short _RELGEW
Religion (England and Wales)


protected short _RELGS1
Religion belongs to (Scotland)


protected short _RELIGN
Religion (Northern Ireland)


protected short _RELTOHR
Relationship to Household Reference Person


protected boolean _SEX


protected boolean _STUDENT
Schoolchild or student in full-time education


protected short _TERMTIME
Term time address of students or schoolchildren


protected short _WLSHREAD
Whether reads Welsh (England and Wales)


protected short _WLSHSPK
Whether speaks Welsh (England and Wales)


protected short _WLSHSTND
Whether understands Welsh (England and Wales)


protected short _WLSHWRIT
Whether writes Welsh (England and Wales)


protected short _ECONACT
Economic activity (last week)


protected short _EVERWORK
Ever worked


protected short _HOURSPW
Hours worked weekly


protected short _HOURSPWG
Hours worked weekly-grouped


protected short _INDSTRY0


protected short _ISCO
International standard classification of occupations


protected short _LASTWORK
Year last worked


protected short _NSSEC
NS-SEC Socio-economic classifications


protected short _SOCMIN
Standard occupational classification 2000-minor


protected short _SOCSUBMJ
_SOC (sub-mjor)


protected short _SUPERVSR


protected short _TRANWRK0
Transport to work, UK (including to study Scotland)


protected short _WORKFORC
Size of workforce


protected short _WRKPLCE0
Workplace (England, Wales and Scotland)


protected short _FAMTYP
Family type


protected short _FNDEPCH
Dependent children in family


protected short _FRECONAC
Economic position of family reference person (FRP)


protected short _FRNSSEC
NS-SEC socio-economic classification of family reference person


protected short _FRSEX
Sex of family reference person


protected short _ACCTYPE
Accomodation type


protected short _BATHWC
Use of bath/shower/toilet


protected short _CARS0
Cars/vans owned or available for use


protected short _CENHEAT0
Central heating


protected short _DENSITY
Household density: number of residents per room


protected short _FURN
Accomodation furnished (Scotland)


protected short _HEDIND
Household education indicator (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)


protected short _HEMPIND
Household employment indicator (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)


protected short _HHLTHIND
Household health and disability indicator (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)


protected short _HHSGIND
Household housing indicator


protected short _HNCARERS
Number of carers in household


protected short _HNEARNRS
Number of employed adults in household


protected short _HNELDERS
Number of persons in household aged 65 or over


protected short _HNFAMS
Number of families in household


protected short _HNLLTI
Number in household with limiting long-term illness


protected short _HNPRHLTH
Number of household members with poor health


protected short _HNRESDNT
Number of usual residents in household


protected short _HRSOCGRD
Social grade of household reference person


protected short _LOWFLOR0
Lowest floor level of household living accomodation


protected short _MULTETH
Multiple ethnicity household indicator


protected short _OCCUPNCY
Occupancy rating of household


protected short _REGION
Region of usual residence


protected short _ROOMSFLR
Number of floor levels (Northern Ireland)


protected short _ROOMSNUM
Number of rooms in occupied household space


protected short _SELFCONT
Accomodation self contained


protected short _STAHUK
Households with students away during term time


protected short _TENUREW
Tenure of accomodation (England and Wales)


protected short _TENURSN
Tenure of accomodation (Scotland and Northern Ireland)


protected short _EDISDONO
Number of times information donated


protected short _ONCPERIM
One number census status

Constructor Detail


public ISARDataRecord()
Creates a new ISARRecord


public ISARDataRecord( _RandomAccessFile)
Creates a new ISARRecord

Method Detail


protected void _Init()
Initialises all values.

_Init in class AbstractDataRecord


public java.lang.String toString()
Returns a string description of this;

toString in class AbstractDataRecord
A String description of this.


public boolean parse(long _RecordID,
                     java.lang.String line)
Parses line to modify this setting this._RecordID=_RecordID.

_RecordID -
line - The Comma Seperated Value String


public long get_ID()
Returns a copy of this._ID


public long get_PNUM()
Returns a copy of this._PNUM


public boolean get_SEX()
Returns a copy of this._SEX


public boolean get_STUDENT()
Returns a copy of this._STUDENT


public short get_ACCTYPE()
Returns a copy of this._ACCTYPE


public short get_AGE0()
Returns a copy of this._AGE0


public short get_BATHWC()
Returns a copy of this._BATHWC


public short get_CARS0()
Returns a copy of this._CARS0


public short get_CENHEAT0()
Returns a copy of this._CENHEAT0


public short get_CESTATUS()
Returns a copy of this._CESTATUS


public short get_CETYPE()
Returns a copy of this._CETYPE


public short get_COBIRT0()
Returns a copy of this._COBIRT0


public short get_COMBGN()
Returns a copy of this._COMBGN


public short get_COUNTRY()
Returns a copy of this._COUNTRY


public short get_DENSITY()
Returns a copy of this._DENSITY


public short get_DISTMOV0()
Returns a copy of this._DISTMOV0


public short get_DISTWRK0()
Returns a copy of this._DISTWRK0


public short get_ECONACT()
Returns a copy of this._ECONACT


public short get_EDISDONO()
Returns a copy of this._EDISDONO


public short get_ETHEW()
Returns a copy of this._ETHEW


public short get_ETHN()
Returns a copy of this._ETHN


public short get_ETHS()
Returns a copy of this._ETHS


public short get_EVERWORK()
Returns a copy of this._EVERWORK


public short get_FAMTYP()
Returns a copy of this._FAMTYP


public short get_FNDEPCH()
Returns a copy of this._FNDEPCH


public short get_FRECONAC()
Returns a copy of this._FRECONAC


public short get_FRNSSEC()
Returns a copy of this._FRNSSEC


public short get_FRSEX()
Returns a copy of this._FRSEX


public short get_FURN()
Returns a copy of this._FURN


public short get_GAELREAD()
Returns a copy of this._GAELREAD


public short get_GAELSPK()
Returns a copy of this._GAELSPK


public short get_GAELSTND()
Returns a copy of this._GAELSTND


public short get_GAELWRIT()
Returns a copy of this._GAELWRIT


public short get_GENIND()
Returns a copy of this._GENIND


public short get_HEALTH()
Returns a copy of this._HEALTH


public short get_HEDIND()
Returns a copy of this._HEDIND


public short get_HEMPIND()
Returns a copy of this._HEMPIND


public short get_HHLTHIND()
Returns a copy of this._HHLTHIND


public short get_HHSGIND()
Returns a copy of this._HHSGIND


public short get_HNCARERS()
Returns a copy of this._HNCARERS


public short get_HNEARNRS()
Returns a copy of this._HNEARNRS


public short get_HNELDERS()
Returns a copy of this._HNELDERS


public short get_HNFAMS()
Returns a copy of this._HNFAMS


public short get_HNLLTI()
Returns a copy of this._HNLLTI


public short get_HNPRHLTH()
Returns a copy of this._HNPRHLTH


public short get_HNRESDNT()
Returns a copy of this._HNRESDNT


public short get_HOURSPW()
Returns a copy of this._HOURSPW


public short get_HOURSPWG()
Returns a copy of this._HOURSPWG


public short get_HRSOCGRD()
Returns a copy of this._HRSOCGRD


public short get_INDSTRY0()
Returns a copy of this._INDSTRY0


public short get_IRISLANG()
Returns a copy of this._IRISLANG


public short get_ISCO()
Returns a copy of this._ISCO


public short get_LASTWORK()
Returns a copy of this._LASTWORK


public short get_LLTI()
Returns a copy of this._LLTI


public short get_LOWFLOR0()
Returns a copy of this._LOWFLOR0


public short get_MARSTAT()
Returns a copy of this._MARSTAT


public short get_MIGIND()
Returns a copy of this._MIGIND


public short get_MIGORGN()
Returns a copy of this._MIGORGN


public short get_MULTETH()
Returns a copy of this._MULTETH


public short get_NSSEC()
Returns a copy of this._NSSEC


public short get_OCCUPNCY()
Returns a copy of this._OCCUPNCY


public short get_ONCPERIM()
Returns a copy of this._ONCPERIM


public short get_PROFQUAL()
Returns a copy of this._PROFQUAL


public short get_PROVCARE()
Returns a copy of this._PROVCARE


public short get_QUALVEWN()
Returns a copy of this._QUALVEWN


public short get_QUALVS()
Returns a copy of this._QUALVS


public short get_REGION()
Returns a copy of this._REGION


public short get_RELGEW()
Returns a copy of this._RELGEW


public short get_RELGS1()
Returns a copy of this._RELGS1


public short get_RELIGN()
Returns a copy of this._RELIGN


public short get_RELTOHR()
Returns a copy of this._RELTOHR


public short get_ROOMSFLR()
Returns a copy of this._ROOMSFLR


public short get_ROOMSNUM()
Returns a copy of this._ROOMSNUM


public short get_SELFCONT()
Returns a copy of this._SELFCONT


public short get_SOCMIN()
Returns a copy of this._SOCMIN


public short get_SOCSUBMJ()
Returns a copy of this._SOCSUBMJ


public short get_STAHUK()
Returns a copy of this._STAHUK


public short get_SUPERVSR()
Returns a copy of this._SUPERVSR


public short get_TENUREW()
Returns a copy of this._TENUREW


public short get_TENURSN()
Returns a copy of this._TENURSN


public short get_TERMTIME()
Returns a copy of this._TERMTIME


public short get_TRANWRK0()
Returns a copy of this._TRANWRK0


public short get_WLSHREAD()
Returns a copy of this.__WLSHREAD


public short get_WLSHSPK()
Returns a copy of this._WLSHSPK


public short get_WLSHSTND()
Returns a copy of this._WLSHSTND


public short get_WLSHWRIT()
Returns a copy of this._WLSHWRIT


public short get_WORKFORC()
Returns a copy of this._WORKFORC


public short get_WRKPLCE0()
Returns a copy of this._WRKPLCE0


public int getAgeInt()
_AGE0 is banded as follows: For ( 0 <= _AGE0 <= 15 ) or ( 75 <= _AGE0 <= 94 ) _AGE0 represent individual years of age. For _AGE0 = 16, ( 16 <= age <= 20 ). Age range = 4. For _AGE0 = 20, ( 20 <= age <= 24 ). Age range = 4. For _AGE0 = 25, ( 25 <= age <= 29 ). Age range = 4. For _AGE0 = 30, ( 30 <= age <= 44 ). Age range = 14. For _AGE0 = 45, ( 45 <= age <= 59 ). Age range = 14. For _AGE0 = 60, ( 60 <= age <= 64 ). Age range = 4. For _AGE0 = 65, ( 65 <= age <= 69 ). Age range = 4. For _AGE0 = 70, ( 70 <= age <= 74 ). Age range = 4. For _AGE0 = 95, ( 95 <= age ). For any banded age a random number between 0 and Age range is obtained and added to _AGE0. It is assumed that the for the open ended age the Age range is 4, i.e. people are less than 100 years old!


public void write( aRandomAccessFile)
Writes this to aRandomAccessFile at the current position.

write in class AbstractDataRecord
aRandomAccessFile - The RandomAccessFile this is written to.


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class AbstractDataRecord


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object object)
Overrides equals in Object

equals in class AbstractDataRecord
See Also:


public long getSizeInBytes()
Returns the size of record in bytes as a long 198

getSizeInBytes in class AbstractDataRecord
The size (in bytes) of this as a long.