GNU Trove

Package gnu.trove.decorator

GNU Trove: Decorators for java.util.{Map,Set} compatability


Class Summary
TDoubleDoubleHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TDoubleDoubleHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TDoubleFloatHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TDoubleFloatHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TDoubleHashSetDecorator Wrapper class to make a TDoubleHashSet conform to the java.util.Set API.
TDoubleIntHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TDoubleIntHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TDoubleLongHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TDoubleLongHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TDoubleObjectHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TDoubleObjectHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TFloatDoubleHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TFloatDoubleHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TFloatFloatHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TFloatFloatHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TFloatHashSetDecorator Wrapper class to make a TFloatHashSet conform to the java.util.Set API.
TFloatIntHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TFloatIntHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TFloatLongHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TFloatLongHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TFloatObjectHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TFloatObjectHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TIntDoubleHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TIntDoubleHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TIntFloatHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TIntFloatHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TIntHashSetDecorator Wrapper class to make a TIntHashSet conform to the java.util.Set API.
TIntIntHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TIntIntHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TIntLongHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TIntLongHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TIntObjectHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TIntObjectHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TLongDoubleHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TLongDoubleHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TLongFloatHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TLongFloatHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TLongHashSetDecorator Wrapper class to make a TLongHashSet conform to the java.util.Set API.
TLongIntHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TLongIntHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TLongLongHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TLongLongHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TLongObjectHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TLongObjectHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TObjectDoubleHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TObjectDoubleHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TObjectFloatHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TObjectFloatHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TObjectIntHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TObjectIntHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.
TObjectLongHashMapDecorator Wrapper class to make a TObjectLongHashMap conform to the java.util.Map API.

Package gnu.trove.decorator Description

GNU Trove: Decorators for java.util.{Map,Set} compatability

The classes in this package serve to wrap the Trove primitive collections so that they can be used in operations that require a java.util.Map or java.util.Set.

This is form of adaptation is extremely inefficient and so should only be undertaken as a last resort or when you don't care about performance (in which case Trove is probably not appropriate anyway).

The general pattern here is that you "wrap" a Trove collection with the appropriate decorator object to obtain a java.util.Map or Set. The implementations do not retain references to the Objects they accept/return (all calls are delegated to the underlying trove collection), so you should not rely on object identity within those collections.

You may extend the decorator classes to use canonical values if your dataset permits. For some applications, this will help reduce the cost of (un)wrapping primitive values. Note, however, that such datasets are probably small/restricted enough that you should again ask yourself whether Trove is appropriate in the first place. Caveat programmer. Last modified: Mon Sep 23 22:55:32 PDT 2002

GNU Trove

GNU Trove is copyright © 2001-2003 Eric D. Friedman. All Rights Reserved.