gamOutputToGrid(File, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.exchange.io
generateCatchment() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.examples.GenerateTestData
generateCircularData() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.examples.GenerateTestData
generateGamInput(File, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.exchange.io
Creates gamInputFile from the countFile and parFile.
generateSquareData() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.examples.GenerateTestData
GenerateTestData - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.examples
TODO: docs
GenerateTestData() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.examples.GenerateTestData
Creates new GenerateTestData.
GenerateTestData(File) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.examples.GenerateTestData
Creates new GenerateTestData.
geometricDensity(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, double, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorGWS
Returns an Grid2DSquareCellDouble[] containing geometric density surfaces at a range of scales: result[ 0 ] - is the result at the first scale ( double the cellsize of grid ) result[ 1 ] - if it exists is the result at the second scale ( double the cellsize of result[ 0 ] ) result[ n ] - if it exists is the result at the ( n + 1 )th scale ( double the cellsize of result[ n - 1 ] ) The algorithm used for generating a geometric density surface is described in: Turner A (2000) Density Data Generation for Spatial Data Mining Applications.
getAdaptiveKernelWeight(double, double, double, int, double, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.Kernel
getArithmeticMeanBigDecimal(int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
For returning the Arithmetic Mean of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal.
getArithmeticMeanBigDecimal(int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
For returning the Arithmetic Mean of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal.
getArithmeticMeanBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
For returning the Arithmetic Mean of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal.
getArithmeticMeanBigDecimal(int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics0
For returning the arithmetic mean of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal Throws an ArithmeticException if nonNoDataValueCountBigInteger is equal to zero.
getArithmeticMeanBigDecimal(int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics1
For returning the arithmetic mean of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal Throws an ArithmeticException if nonNoDataValueCountBigInteger is equal to zero.
getArithmeticMeanBigDecimal(int) - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the arithmetic mean of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getArithmeticMeanDouble(int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
For returning the Arithmetic Mean of all non noDataValues as a double.
getArithmeticMeanDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
For returning the Arithmetic Mean of all non noDataValues as a double.
getArithmeticMeanDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Returns the Arithmetic Mean of all non noDataValues as a double.
getArithmeticMeanDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
For returning the Arithmetic Mean of all non noDataValues as a double.
getBasicGridInfo(File) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.exchange.io
Returns a double[] of grid information where; [0] = (double) ncols; [1] = (double) nrows; [2] = xllcorner; [3] = yllcorner; [4] = cellsize; [5] = noDataValue if it exists or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY otherwise
getCell(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns the value at cellRowIndex, cellColIndex else returns noDataValue.
getCell(Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns the value at cellRowIndex, cellColIndex.
getCell(double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
For returning the value of the cell containing point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y as a int.
getCell(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
For returning the value of the cell with cell ID cellID as a int.
getCell(int, int, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell row chunkCellColIndex.
getCell(int, int, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell row chunkCellColIndex, as a double.
getCell(int, int, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArray
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell row chunkCellColIndex.
getCell(int, int, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAI
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell row chunkCellColIndex.
getCell(int, int, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell row chunkCellColIndex.
getCell(Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract.ChunkCellID, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Returns the value of cell with CellID given by chunkCellID
getCell(int, int, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAF
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell row chunkCellColIndex.
getCell(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns the value at cellRowIndex, cellColIndex else returns noDataValue.
getCell(Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns the value at cellRowIndex, cellColIndex.
getCell(double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
For returning the value of the cell containing point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y as a int.
getCell(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
For returning the value of the cell with cell ID cellID as a int.
getCell(int, int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell row chunkCellColIndex.
getCell(int, int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell col chunkCellColIndex as a int.
getCell(int, int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArray
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell row chunkCellColIndex.
getCell(int, int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAI
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell row chunkCellColIndex.
getCell(int, int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell row chunkCellColIndex as a int.
getCell(Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract.ChunkCellID, int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Returns the value of cell with CellID given by chunkCellID
getCell(int, int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAF
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell row chunkCellColIndex.
getCellBigDecimal(int, int, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell row chunkCellColIndex, as a BigDecimal.
getCellBoundsDoubleArray(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns double[] where; double[0] xmin, left most x-coordinate of cell at (rowIndex,colIndex) double[1] ymin, lowest y-coordinate of cell at (rowIndex,colIndex) double[2] xmax, right most x-coordinate of cell at (rowIndex,colIndex) double[3] ymax, highest y-coordinate of cell at (rowIndex,colIndex)
getCellBoundsDoubleArray(double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns double[] where; double[0] xmin, left most x-coordinate of cell that intersects point at (x,y) double[1] ymin, lowest y-coordinate of cell that intersects point at (x,y) double[2] xmax, right most x-coordinate of cell that intersects point at (x,y) double[3] ymax, highest y-coordinate of cell that intersects point at (x,y)
getCellColIndex() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID
Returns cellColIndex of this CellID
getCellColIndex(double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the cell column Index for the cells that intersect the x-coordinate x.
getCellColIndex(BigDecimal, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the cell column Index for the cells that intersect the x-coordinate x.
getCellDouble(Point2D.Double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the value of the cell at point as a double.
getCellDouble(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the value at cellRowIndex, cellColIndex as a double
getCellDouble(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the value at chunkRowIndex, chunkColIndex, chunkCellRowIndex, chunkCellColIndex as a double.
getCellDouble(Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the value at chunkRowIndex, chunkColIndex, chunkCellRowIndex, chunkCellColIndex as a double.
getCellDouble(int, int, int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
Returns the value at position given by: chunk cell row chunkCellRowIndex; chunk cell col chunkCellColIndex as a double.
getCellID(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns a CellID of the cell given by cellRowIndex, cellColIndex even if that cell would not be in the grid.
getCellID(double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns a CellID of the cell given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y even if that cell would not be in the grid.
getCellIDs(double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns a CellID[] - the cell IDs for cells thats centroids are intersected by circle with centre at x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y, and radius distance.
getCellIDs(long, long, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns a CellID[] - the cell IDs for cells thats centroids would be intersected by circle with centre at centroid of cell given by cell row index cellRowIndex, cell column index cellColIndex, and radius distance.
getCellIDs(double, double, long, long, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns double[] cells - the values for cells thats centroids would be intersected by circle with centre at x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y, and radius distance.
getCellIDs(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, long, long, double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.examples.GenerateTestData
getCellIDsHashSet(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, long, long, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.examples.GenerateTestData
getCellInt(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the value at cellRowIndex, cellColIndex as a int.
getCellInt(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the value at chunkRowIndex, chunkColIndex, chunkCellRowIndex, chunkCellColIndex as a int.
getCellInt(Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the value at chunkRowIndex, chunkColIndex, chunkCellRowIndex, chunkCellColIndex as a int.
getCellRowIndex() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID
Returns cellRowIndex of this CellID
getCellRowIndex(double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the cell row Index for the cells that intersect the y-coordinate y.
getCellRowIndex(BigDecimal, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the cell row Index for the cells that intersect the y-coordinate yBigDecimal.
getCells(double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns a double[] of all cell values for cells thats centroids are intersected by circle with centre at x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y, and radius distance.
getCells(long, long, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns a int[] of all cell values for cells thats centroids are intersected by circle with centre at centroid of cell given by cell row index cellRowIndex, cell column index cellColIndex, and radius distance.
getCells(double, double, long, long, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns a int[] of all cell values for cells thats centroids are intersected by circle with centre at x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y, and radius distance.
getCells(double, double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns a int[] of all cell values for cells thats centroids are intersected by circle with centre at x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y, and radius distance.
getCells(long, long, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns a int[] of all cell values for cells thats centroids are intersected by circle with centre at centroid of cell given by cell row index cellRowIndex, cell column index cellColIndex, and radius distance.
getCells(double, double, long, long, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns a int[] of all cell values for cells thats centroids are intersected by circle with centre at x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y, and radius distance.
getCellsizeDouble(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns dimensions[0] converted to a double.
getCellX(long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Deprecated. use getCellXDouble(long,boolean) Returns the x-coordinate of the centroid for cells with column index cellColIndex as a double.
getCellX(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Deprecated. use getCellXDouble(CellID,boolean) Returns the x-coordinate of the centroid for cell with cell ID cellID as a double.
getCellXBigDecimal(long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the x-coordinate of the centroid for cells with column index cellColIndex as a BigDecimal.
getCellXBigDecimal(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the x-coordinate of the centroid for cell with cell ID cellID as a BigDecimal.
getCellXDouble(long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the x-coordinate of the centroid for cells with column index cellColIndex as a double.
getCellXDouble(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the x-coordinate of the centroid for cell with cell ID cellID as a double
getCellY(long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Deprecated. use getCellYDouble(long,boolean) Returns the y-coordinate of the centroid for cells with row index cellRowIndex as a double.
getCellY(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Deprecated. use getCellYDouble(CellID,boolean) Returns the y-coordinate of the centroid of cell with CellID cellID as a double.
getCellYBigDecimal(long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the y-coordinate of the centroid for cells with row index cellRowIndex as a BigDecimal.
getCellYBigDecimal(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the y-coordinate of the centroid of cell with CellID cellID as a BigDecimal.
getCellYDouble(long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the y-coordinate of the centroid for cells with row index cellRowIndex as a double.
getCellYDouble(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the y-coordinate of the centroid of cell with CellID cellID as a double.
getChunkCellColIndex(double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the chunk cell column Index of the cells that intersect the x-coordinate x.
getChunkCellColIndex(long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the chunks cell column index of the cell in the chunk thats centoid is closest to the x-coordinate x.
getChunkCellColIndex() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract.ChunkCellID
Returns chunkCellColIndex of this CellID
getChunkCellRowIndex(double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the chunk cell row Index of the cells that intersects the y-coordinate y.
getChunkCellRowIndex(long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the chunks cell row Index of the cells in the chunk thats centoid is closest to the y-coordinate y.
getChunkCellRowIndex() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract.ChunkCellID
Returns chunkCellRowIndex of this CellID
getChunkColIndex() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID
Returns this.chunkColIndex
getChunkColIndex(double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the chunk column index for the chunks intersecting the x-coordinate x.
getChunkColIndex(long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the chunk column index for the chunk intersecting the cell at cell column index cellColIndex.
getChunkID() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract
Returns this.chunkID TODO: Check that returning a clone is fine.
getChunkNcols(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns chunkNcols.
getChunkNcols(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the number of columns in chunkID as an int
getChunkNcolsFinalColChunks(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the number of cols in the final col Chunk
getChunkNrows(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns chunkNrows.
getChunkNrows(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the number of rows in chunkID as an int
getChunkNrowsFinalRowChunks(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the number of rows in the final row Chunk
getChunkRowIndex() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID
Returns this.chunkRowIndex
getChunkRowIndex(double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the chunk row index for the chunks intersecting the y-coordinate y.
getChunkRowIndex(long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the chunk row index for the chunk intersecting the cell at cell row index cellRowIndex.
getCount() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.UnsignedLong
Returns a count of the number of values of 1 in the binary encoding of value.
getData() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
Returns this.data
getData() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArray
TODO: docs
getData() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAI
For returning data
getData() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Returns this.data.
getData() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAF
TODO: docs
getData() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
Returns this.data
getData() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArray
TODO: docs
getData() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAI
For returning data
getData() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Returns this.data.
getData() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAF
TODO: docs
getDefaultDataDirectory() - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.exchange.io
Returns a default data directory
getDimensions() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns dimensions.
getDimensionsScale(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns dimensionsScale.
getDirectory() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns directory.
getDirectory() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory
Returns directory.
getDirectory() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntFactory
Returns directory.
getDiversity() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
For returning the number of different values.
getDiversity() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
For returning the number of different values.
getDiversityBigInteger() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
For returning the number of different values.
getFilenamePrefix() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.exchange.ESRIAsciiGridImporter
Returns the prefix (before "." part of filename of this.file.
getFlowAccumulation(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, int, double, HashSet, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
There are many estimates of flow that can be generated and many models developed in hydrology.
getGeometricMeanBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
For returning the Geometric Mean of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal Warning! This is imprecise and it can happen that Math.pow does not return what might be expected! (For example, negative powers in the range (0,1) for negative numbers.) TODO: Develop a pow function such as com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal.pow This resource is not used here due to licensing, but it could be...
getGeometricMeanDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
For returning the Geometric Mean of all non noDataValues as a double Warning! This is imprecise and it can happen that Math.pow does not return what might be expected! (For example, negative powers in the range (0,1) for negative numbers.) TODO: Develop a pow function such as com.ibm.icu.math.BigDecimal.pow This resource is not used here due to licensing, but it could be...
getGrid2DSquareCell() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract
Returns grid2DSquareCellDouble.
getGrid2DSquareCellChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract with the given chunkRowIndex and chunkColIndex
getGrid2DSquareCellChunk(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns grid2DSquareCellChunks.
getGrid2DSquareCellChunks() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns this.grid2DSquareCellChunks TODO: Should we clone, i.e.
getGrid2DSquareCellDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
Returns grid2DSquareCellDouble.
getGrid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunks.
getGrid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunksAbstract for the given ChunkID
getGrid2DSquareCellInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
Returns grid2DSquareCellInt.
getGrid2DSquareCellIntChunk(int, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns grid2DSquareCellIntChunks.
getGrid2DSquareCellIntChunk(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns grid2DSquareCellIntChunksAbstract for the given ChunkID
getGrid2DSquareCells() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessor
Returns this.grid2DSquareCells
getGridBounds(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns gridBounds (the bounding box of the grid) as a double[] where; gridBounds[0] xmin, left most x-coordinate of this gridBounds[1] ymin, lowest y-coordinate of this gridBounds[2] xmax, right most x-coordinate of this gridBounds[3] ymax, highest y-coordinate of this
getGridStatistics() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns this.gridStatistics TODO: For safety, this method should probably be removed and instead, this class be made to implement GridStatisticsInterface.
getHarmonicMeanBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
Returns the Harmonic Mean of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal.
getHarmonicMeanDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
Returns the Harmonic Mean of all non noDataValues as a double.
getHeightBigDecimal(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the height of the grid.
getHeightDouble(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the height of the grid.
getHollowFilledDEM(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, double, int, HashSet, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Returns an Grid2DSquareCellDouble hollowFilledDEM which has cell values as in grid except with any hollows raised so that they are not hollows.
getInitialFlowAccumulation(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, double, HashSet, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
TODO: docs frictionFactor = 75.0d; constant = 8.0d * 9.81d / frictionFactor; velocity = Math.sqrt( constant * waterDepth * changeInDepth / ChangeInLength ); discharge = velocity * waterDepth
getInitialPeaksHashSetAndSetTheirValue(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, Grid2DSquareCellDouble) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Returns a HashSet containing cellIDs which identifies cells for which neighbouring cells in the immediate 8 cell neighbourhood that are either the same value, lower or noDataValues
getIsUpToDate() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics1
Returns upToDate
getKernelParameters(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, int, double, double, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.Kernel
Returns double[] result: double[0] the total sum of all the weights for a given kernel double[1] the total number of cells thats centroids are within distance of an arbitrary cell centroid of grid0
getKernelVolume(double, int, double, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.Kernel
getKernelWeight(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.Kernel
Returns a double value for the height of a kernel at thisDistance from the centre of a kernel with; Bandwidth distance, weight at the centre of weightIntersect and distance decay of weightFactor.
getKernelWeights(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, double, double, double) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.Kernel
Returns a double[][] of values for a kernel
getKernelWeights(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, long, long, double, double, double, Point2D.Double[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.Kernel
Returns a double[] of values for a kernel TODO: document
getKernelWeights(Point2D.Double, double, double, double, Point2D.Double[]) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.Kernel
TODO: document
getLong() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.UnsignedLong
Returns this.value.
getMaxBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics0
For returning the maximum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal.
getMaxBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics1
For returning the maximum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getMaxBigDecimal() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the maximum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getMaxBigInteger() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the maximum of all non noDataValues as a BigInteger
getMaxBigInteger() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the maximum of all non noDataValues as a BigInteger
getMaxDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
For returning the maximum of all non noDataValues as a double
getMaxDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
For returning the maximum of all non noDataValues as a double
getMaxDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Returns the maximum of all non noDataValues as a double
getMaxDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the maximum of all non noDataValues as a double If this.minBigDecimal is to big/small to represent as a double then an Arithmetic Exception is thrown and Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY are returned as appropriate.
getMaxDouble() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a double
getMaxFlowDirection(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Returns an Grid2DSquareCellDouble result containing values which indicate the direction of the maximum down slope for the immediate 8 cell neighbourhood.
getMaxInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
For returning the maximum of all non noDataValues as a int.
getMaxInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
For returning the maximum of all non noDataValues as a double
getMaxInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a int
getMaxInt() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a int
getMaxLong() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a long
getMaxLong() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a long
getMedianDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
For returning the median of all non noDataValues as a double
getMedianDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
For returning the median of all non noDataValues as a double.
getMedianDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
For returning the median of all non noDataValues as a double
getMedianDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
For returning the median of all non noDataValues as a double
getMedianDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
For returning the median of all non noDataValues as a double.
getMetrics1(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, double, double, double, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Returns an Grid2DSquareCellDouble[] metrics1 where: metrics1[0] = no data count; metrics1[1] = flatness; metrics1[2] = roughness; metrics1[3] = slopyness; metrics1[4] = levelness; metrics1[5] = totalDownness; metrics1[6] = averageDownness; metrics1[7] = totalUpness; metrics1[8] = averageUpness; metrics1[9] = maxd_hhhh [ sum of distance weighted maximum height differences ]; metrics1[10] = mind_hhhh [ sum of distance weighted minimum height differences ]; metrics1[11] = sumd_hhhh [ sum of distance weighted height differences ]; metrics1[12] = aved_hhhh [ sum of distance weighted average height difference ]; metrics1[13] = count_hhhh [ count ]; metrics1[14] = w_hhhh [ sum of distance weights ]; metrics1[15] = mind_hxhx_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference of cells adjacent to lower cell ) ]; metrics1[16] = maxd_hxhx_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference of cells adjacent to lower cell ) ]; metrics1[17] = sumd_hxhx_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of cells adjacent to lower cell ) ]; metrics1[18] = d_xhxx_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( difference of cell opposite lower cell ) ]; metrics1[19] = d_xxxl_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( difference of lower cell ) ]; metrics1[20] = sumd_xhxl_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of lower cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[21] = mind_abs_xhxl_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference magnitude of lower cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[22] = maxd_abs_xhxl_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference magnitude of lower cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[23] = sumd_abs_xhxl_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of difference magnitudes of lower cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[24] = count_hhhl [ count ]; metrics1[25] = w_hhhl [ sum of distance weights ]; metrics1[26] = mind_hxhx_ai_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference of higher cells ) ]; metrics1[27] = maxd_hxhx_ai_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference of higher cells ) ]; metrics1[28] = sumd_hxhx_ai_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( sum differences of higher cells ) ]; metrics1[29] = mind_xlxl_ai_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference of lower cells ) ]; metrics1[30] = maxd_xlxl_ai_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference of lower cells ) ]; metrics1[31] = sumd_xlxl_ai_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of lower cells ) ]; metrics1[32] = mind_abs_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference magnitude of cells ) ]; metrics1[33] = maxd_abs_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference magnitude of cells ) ]; metrics1[34] = sumd_abs_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of difference magnitudes of cells ) ]; metrics1[35] = count_hlhl [ count ]; metrics1[36] = w_hlhl [ sum of distance weights ]; metrics1[37] = mind_hhxx_ai_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference of higher cells ) ]; metrics1[38] = maxd_hhxx_ai_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference of higher cells ) ]; metrics1[39] = sumd_hhxx_ai_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of higher cells ) ]; metrics1[40] = mind_xxll_ai_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference of lower cells ) ]; metrics1[41] = maxd_xxll_ai_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference of lower cells ) ]; metrics1[42] = sumd_xxll_ai_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of lower cells ) ]; metrics1[43] = mind_abs_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference magnitude of cells ) ]; metrics1[44] = maxd_abs_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference magnitude of cells ) ]; metrics1[45] = sumd_abs_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of difference magnitudes of cells ) ]; metrics1[46] = count_hhll [ count ]; metrics1[47] = w_hhll [ sum of distance weights ]; metrics1[48] = mind_lxlx_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference of cells adjacent to higher cell ) ]; metrics1[49] = maxd_lxlx_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference of cells adjacent to higher cell ) ]; metrics1[50] = sumd_lxlx_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of cells adjacent to higher cell ) ]; metrics1[51] = d_xlxx_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( difference of cell opposite higher cell ) ]; metrics1[52] = d_xxxh_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( difference of higher cell ) ]; metrics1[53] = sumd_xlxh_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of higher cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[54] = mind_abs_xlxh_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference magnitude of higher cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[55] = maxd_abs_xlxh_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference magnitude of higher cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[56] = sumd_abs_xlxh_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of difference magnitudes of higher cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[57] = count_lllh [ count ]; metrics1[58] = w_lllh [ sum of distance weights ]; metrics1[59] = maxd_llll [ sum of distance weighted maximum height differences ]; metrics1[60] = mind_llll [ sum of distance weighted minimum height differences ]; metrics1[61] = sumd_llll [ sum of distance weighted height differences ]; metrics1[62] = aved_llll [ sum of distance weighted average height difference ]; metrics1[63] = count_llll [ count ]; metrics1[64] = w_llll [ sum of distance weights ];
getMetrics1(Grid2DSquareCellDouble[], Grid2DSquareCellDouble, BigDecimal[], double, double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Returns an Grid2DSquareCellDouble[] metrics1 where: metrics1[0] = no data count; metrics1[1] = flatness; metrics1[2] = roughness; metrics1[3] = slopyness; metrics1[4] = levelness; metrics1[5] = totalDownness; metrics1[6] = averageDownness; metrics1[7] = totalUpness; metrics1[8] = averageUpness; metrics1[9] = maxd_hhhh [ sum of distance weighted maximum height differences ]; metrics1[10] = mind_hhhh [ sum of distance weighted minimum height differences ]; metrics1[11] = sumd_hhhh [ sum of distance weighted height differences ]; metrics1[12] = aved_hhhh [ sum of distance weighted average height difference ]; metrics1[13] = count_hhhh [ count ]; metrics1[14] = w_hhhh [ sum of distance weights ]; metrics1[15] = mind_hxhx_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference of cells adjacent to lower cell ) ]; metrics1[16] = maxd_hxhx_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference of cells adjacent to lower cell ) ]; metrics1[17] = sumd_hxhx_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of cells adjacent to lower cell ) ]; metrics1[18] = d_xhxx_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( difference of cell opposite lower cell ) ]; metrics1[19] = d_xxxl_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( difference of lower cell ) ]; metrics1[20] = sumd_xhxl_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of lower cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[21] = mind_abs_xhxl_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference magnitude of lower cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[22] = maxd_abs_xhxl_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference magnitude of lower cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[23] = sumd_abs_xhxl_ai_hhhl [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of difference magnitudes of lower cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[24] = count_hhhl [ count ]; metrics1[25] = w_hhhl [ sum of distance weights ]; metrics1[26] = mind_hxhx_ai_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference of higher cells ) ]; metrics1[27] = maxd_hxhx_ai_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference of higher cells ) ]; metrics1[28] = sumd_hxhx_ai_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( sum differences of higher cells ) ]; metrics1[29] = mind_xlxl_ai_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference of lower cells ) ]; metrics1[30] = maxd_xlxl_ai_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference of lower cells ) ]; metrics1[31] = sumd_xlxl_ai_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of lower cells ) ]; metrics1[32] = mind_abs_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference magnitude of cells ) ]; metrics1[33] = maxd_abs_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference magnitude of cells ) ]; metrics1[34] = sumd_abs_hlhl [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of difference magnitudes of cells ) ]; metrics1[35] = count_hlhl [ count ]; metrics1[36] = w_hlhl [ sum of distance weights ]; metrics1[37] = mind_hhxx_ai_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference of higher cells ) ]; metrics1[38] = maxd_hhxx_ai_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference of higher cells ) ]; metrics1[39] = sumd_hhxx_ai_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of higher cells ) ]; metrics1[40] = mind_xxll_ai_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference of lower cells ) ]; metrics1[41] = maxd_xxll_ai_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference of lower cells ) ]; metrics1[42] = sumd_xxll_ai_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of lower cells ) ]; metrics1[43] = mind_abs_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference magnitude of cells ) ]; metrics1[44] = maxd_abs_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference magnitude of cells ) ]; metrics1[45] = sumd_abs_hhll [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of difference magnitudes of cells ) ]; metrics1[46] = count_hhll [ count ]; metrics1[47] = w_hhll [ sum of distance weights ]; metrics1[48] = mind_lxlx_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference of cells adjacent to higher cell ) ]; metrics1[49] = maxd_lxlx_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference of cells adjacent to higher cell ) ]; metrics1[50] = sumd_lxlx_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of cells adjacent to higher cell ) ]; metrics1[51] = d_xlxx_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( difference of cell opposite higher cell ) ]; metrics1[52] = d_xxxh_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( difference of higher cell ) ]; metrics1[53] = sumd_xlxh_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of differences of higher cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[54] = mind_abs_xlxh_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( minimum difference magnitude of higher cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[55] = maxd_abs_xlxh_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( maximum difference magnitude of higher cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[56] = sumd_abs_xlxh_ai_lllh [ sum of distance weighted ( sum of difference magnitudes of higher cell and cell opposite ) ]; metrics1[57] = count_lllh [ count ]; metrics1[58] = w_lllh [ sum of distance weights ]; metrics1[59] = maxd_llll [ sum of distance weighted maximum height differences ]; metrics1[60] = mind_llll [ sum of distance weighted minimum height differences ]; metrics1[61] = sumd_llll [ sum of distance weighted height differences ]; metrics1[62] = aved_llll [ sum of distance weighted average height difference ]; metrics1[63] = count_llll [ count ]; metrics1[64] = w_llll [ sum of distance weights ];
getMetrics2(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, double, double, double, int, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Returns an Grid2DSquareCellDouble[] metrics2 where: TODO: metrics2 is a mess.
getMinBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics0
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getMinBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics1
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getMinBigDecimal() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getMinBigInteger() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a BigInteger
getMinBigInteger() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a BigInteger
getMinDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a double
getMinDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a double
getMinDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Returns the minimum of all non noDataValues as a double.
getMinDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a double If this.minBigDecimal is to big/small to represent as a double then an Arithmetic Exception is thrown and Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY or Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY are returned as appropriate.
getMinDouble() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a double
getMinInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a int.
getMinInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a int
getMinInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a int
getMinInt() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a int
getMinLong() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a long
getMinLong() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the minimum of all non noDataValues as a long
getMode() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the mode of all non noDataValues either as a TDoubleHashSet or as a TIntHashSet respectively depending on if ( this.grid2DSquareCell.getClass() == Grid2DSquareCellInt.class ) or if ( this.grid2DSquareCell.getClass() == Grid2DSquareCellDouble.class ).
getModeTDoubleHashSet() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
For returning the mode of all non noDataValues as a TDoubleHashSet
getModeTDoubleHashSet() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
For returning the mode of all non noDataValues as a TDoubleHashSet.
getModeTDoubleHashSet() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
For returning the mode of all non noDataValues as a TDoubleHashSet
getModeTIntHashSet() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
For returning the mode of all non noDataValues as a TDoubleHashSet
getModeTIntHashSet() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
For returning the mode of all non noDataValues as a TDoubleHashSet.
getName() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns name.
getName() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract
Returns the name of this.
getName() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics0
Returns the name of the this class.
getName() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics1
Returns the name of the this class
getName() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
Returns the name of this instasnced
getNChunkCols(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns nChunkCols.
getNChunkRows(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns nChunkRows.
getNcols() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns ncols.
getNearestCellID(double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the the nearest cells cellRowIndex and cellColIndex as a long[] from ID to point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y.
getNearestCellID(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the the nearest cells cellRowIndex and cellColIndex as a long[] from ID to point given by cell row index cellRowIndex, cell column index cellColIndex.
getNearestCellID(double, double, long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the the nearest CellID to point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y in position given by cellRowIndex, cellColIndex.
getNearestValueDouble(double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns the average of the nearest data values to point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y as a double.
getNearestValueDouble(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns the average of the nearest data values to position given by row index rowIndex, column index colIndex
getNearestValueDouble(double, double, long, long, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns the average of the nearest data values to point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y in position given by row index rowIndex, column index colIndex
getNearestValueDouble(double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns the average of the nearest data values to point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y as a double.
getNearestValueDouble(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns the average of the nearest data values to position given by row index rowIndex, column index colIndex as a double.
getNearestValueDouble(double, double, long, long, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns the average of the nearest data values to point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y in position given by row index rowIndex, column index colIndex as a double.
getNearestValueDoubleDistance(double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns the distance to the nearest data value from point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y as a double.
getNearestValueDoubleDistance(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns the distance to the nearest data value from position given by row index rowIndex, column index colIndex as a double.
getNearestValueDoubleDistance(double, double, long, long, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns the distance to the nearest data value from: point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y in position given by row index rowIndex, column index colIndex as a double.
getNearestValueDoubleDistance(double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns the distance to the nearest data value from point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y.
getNearestValueDoubleDistance(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns the distance to the nearest data value from position given by row index rowIndex, column index colIndex.
getNearestValueDoubleDistance(double, double, long, long, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns the distance to the nearest data value from point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y in position given by row index rowIndex, column index colIndex.
getNearestValuesCellIDs(double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns a CellID[] - The CellIDs of the nearest cells with data values to point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y.
getNearestValuesCellIDs(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns a CellID[] - The CellIDs of the nearest cells with data values to position given by row index rowIndex, column index colIndex.
getNearestValuesCellIDs(double, double, long, long, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns a CellID[] - The CellIDs of the nearest cells with data values nearest to point with position given by: x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y; and, cell row index cellRowIndex, cell column index cellColIndex.
getNearestValuesCellIDs(double, double, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns a CellID[] - The CellIDs of the nearest cells with data values to point given by x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y.
getNearestValuesCellIDs(long, long, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns a CellID[] - The CellIDs of the nearest cells with data values to position given by row index rowIndex, column index colIndex.
getNearestValuesCellIDs(double, double, long, long, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns a CellID[] - The CellIDs of the nearest cells with data values nearest to point with position given by: x-coordinate x, y-coordinate y; and, cell row index cellRowIndex, cell column index cellColIndex.
getNextChunk(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID, int, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the next ChunkID in row major order from chunkID, or null.
getNextChunkRowMinor(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID, int, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the next ChunkID in row minor order from this, or null.
getNoDataValue() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns noDataValue.
getNoDataValue(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns this.noDataValue.
getNoDataValueBigDecimal(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the noDataValue of this as a BigDecimal.
getNoDataValueBigDecimal(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns the noDataValue of this as a BigDecimal.
getNoDataValueBigDecimal(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns the this.noDataValue converted to a BigDecimal.
getNoDataValueDouble(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Deprecated. This should not be used Returns the noDataValue of this as a double.
getNonNoDataValueCountBigInteger() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
Returns the number of cells with noDataValues as a BigInteger
getNonNoDataValueCountBigInteger() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
Returns the number of cells with noDataValues as a BigInteger
getNonNoDataValueCountBigInteger() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Returns the number of cells with non noDataValues as a BigInteger.
getNonNoDataValueCountBigInteger() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
Returns the number of cells with noDataValues as a BigInteger
getNonNoDataValueCountBigInteger() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
For returning the number of cells with noDataValues as a BigInteger
getNonNoDataValueCountBigInteger() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Returns the number of cells with non noDataValues as a BigInteger.
getNonNoDataValueCountBigInteger() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics0
For returning the number of cells with noDataValues as a BigInteger
getNonNoDataValueCountBigInteger() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics1
For returning the number of cells with noDataValues as a BigInteger
getNonNoDataValueCountBigInteger() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the number of cells with noDataValues as a BigInteger
getNonNoDataValueCountInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
Returns the number of cells with noDataValues as an int
getNonNoDataValueCountInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
Returns the number of cells with noDataValues as an int
getNonNoDataValueCountInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
Returns the number of cells with noDataValues as an int
getNonNoDataValueCountInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
Returns the number of cells with noDataValues as an int
getNonNoDataValueCountInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the number of cells with noDataValues as a int
getNonNoDataValueCountInt() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the number of cells with noDataValues as a int
getNonNoDataValueCountLong() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the number of cells with noDataValues as a long
getNonNoDataValueCountLong() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the number of cells with noDataValues as a long
getNrows() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns nrows.
getPreviousChunk(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID, int, int, boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the next ChunkID in row major order from this, or null.
getRandomCol(long, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.examples.GenerateTestData
getRandomRow(long, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.examples.GenerateTestData
getRowProcessData(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, double[][], int, long, long) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessor
Returns a double[][] based on previous which has been shuffled
getRowProcessInitialData(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, int, long) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessor
Returns a double[][] of grid values
getSamplePoints(Point2D.Double, double, double, int, int) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.Utilities
TODO: documentation
getSamplePoints(Point2D.Double, double, double, double, double, int) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.Utilities
TODO: documentation
getSlopeAndAspect(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Returns an Grid2DSquareCellDouble[] slopeAndAspect where: slopeAndAspect[0] is the aggregate slope over the region weighted by distance, weightIntersect and weightFactor; slopeAndAspect[1] is the aggregate aspect over the region weighted by distance, weightIntersect and weightFactor.
getSlopeAndAspect(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, double, double, double, Grid2DSquareCellDouble, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Returns an Grid2DSquareCellDouble[] slopeAndAspect where: slopeAndAspect[0] is the aggregate slope over the region weighted by distance, weightIntersect and weightFactor; slopeAndAspect[1] is the aggregate aspect over the region weighted by distance, weightIntersect and weightFactor.
getSlopeAndAspect(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, long, long, double, double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Returns a double[] slopeAndAspect where: slopeAndAspect[0] is the aggregate slope over the region weighted by distance, weightIntersect and weightFactor; slopeAndAspect[1] is the aggregate aspect over the region weighted by distance, weightIntersect and weightFactor.
getSlopeAndAspect(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Returns a double[] slopeAndAspect where: slopeAndAspect[0] is the aggregate slope over the region weighted by distance, weightIntersect and weightFactor; slopeAndAspect[1] is the aggregate aspect over the region weighted by distance, weightIntersect and weightFactor.
getSlopeAndAspect(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, long, long, double, double, double, double, double) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Returns a double[] slopeAndAspect where: slopeAndAspect[0] is the aggregate slope over the region weighted by distance, weightIntersect and weightFactor; slopeAndAspect[1] is the aggregate aspect over the region weighted by distance, weightIntersect and weightFactor.
getStandardDeviationBigDecimal(int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
Returns the standard deviation of all non noDataValues as a double.
getStandardDeviationDouble(int) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
For returning the standard deviation of all non noDataValues as a double
getStandardDeviationDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
For returning the standard deviation of all non noDataValues as a double
getStandardDeviationDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
For returning the standard deviation of all non noDataValues as a double
getStandardDeviationDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
For returning the standard deviation of all non noDataValues as a double
getStandardDeviationDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
For returning the standard deviation of all non noDataValues as a double
getSum() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Returns the sum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal.
getSumBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getSumBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getSumBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Returns the sum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal.
getSumBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getSumBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getSumBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics0
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getSumBigDecimal() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics1
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getSumBigDecimal() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a BigDecimal
getSumBigInteger() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a BigInteger
getSumBigInteger() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a BigInteger
getSumDouble() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a double.
getSumDouble() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a double
getSumInt() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a int
getSumInt() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a int
getSumLong() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a long
getSumLong() - Method in interface uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsInterface
For returning the sum of all non noDataValues as a long
getTime0() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessor
Returns a copy of this.startTime.
getUpSlopeAreaMetrics(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, double, double, double, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Returns an Grid2DSquareCellDouble[] each element of which corresponds to a metrics of up slope cells of grid - a DEM The steeper the slope the higher the runoff?
getValueALittleBitLarger(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.Utilities
TODO: documentation
getValueALittleBitSmaller(double) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.utilities.Utilities
TODO: documentation
getWidthBigDecimal(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the width of the grid as a BigDecimal.
getWidthDouble(boolean) - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Returns the width of the grid as a double.
getWorkspace() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessor
Returns a copy of this.workspace
grid2DSquareCell - Variable in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract
A reference to the Grid2DSquareCellDoubleAbstract instance.
grid2DSquareCell - Variable in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
A reference to the Grid2DSquareCellAbstract this is for.
Grid2DSquareCellAbstract - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
Grid2DSquareCellAbstract provides inner classes for CellID and ChunkID referencing and general geometry methods for extended classes.
Grid2DSquareCellAbstract() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
A simple CellID class for distinguishing cells.
Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID
Default constructor.
Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID
Constructs a new CellID that is a clone of cellID
Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID(long, long, long) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.CellID
Constructs a new CellID
Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
A simple ChunkID class for distinguishing s in this chunk.
Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID
Default constructor.
Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID
Constructs a new ChunkID that is a clone of chunkID
Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID(int, int, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID
Constructs a new ChunkID
Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract provides inner classes for ChunkCellID and general geometry methods for extended classes.
Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract
Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract.ChunkCellID - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
A simple ChunkCellID class for distinguishing cells in this chunk.
Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract.ChunkCellID() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract.ChunkCellID
Constructs a new ChunkCellID
Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract.ChunkCellID(int, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract.ChunkCellID
Constructs a new ChunkCellID
Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract.ChunkCellID(int, int, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellChunkAbstract.ChunkCellID
Constructs a new ChunkCellID
grid2DSquareCellChunks - Variable in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
The chunks that make up this instance.
Grid2DSquareCellDouble - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
A class for representing grids of double precision values.
Grid2DSquareCellDouble() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Grid2DSquareCellDouble(File, File, ObjectInputStream) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDouble.
Grid2DSquareCellDouble(GridStatisticsAbstract, File, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstractFactory, int, int, long, long, BigDecimal[], double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDouble with each cell value equal to noDataValue and all chunks of the same type.
Grid2DSquareCellDouble(GridStatisticsAbstract, File, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstractFactory, int, int, long, long, long, long, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDouble based on values in grid2DSquareCell.
Grid2DSquareCellDouble(GridStatisticsAbstract, File, File, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstractFactory, int, int, long, long, long, long, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDouble
Returns a new Grid2DSquareCellDouble with values obtained from gridFile.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
The maximum size of this Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract is 64 cells.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
Default constructor.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
TODO: documentation deal with case: ( grid2DSquareCellDouble.getChunkNrows() * grid2DSquareCellDouble.getChunkNcols() > 64 )
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap(Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMapFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMapFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMapFactory
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMapFactory.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMapIterator - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMapIterator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMapIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareDoubleIterator
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMapIterator(Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMap) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunk64CellMapIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareDoubleIterator
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstractFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
Abstract Class for defining (an interface for) chunk factory methods.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstractFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstractFactory
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArray - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArray() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArray
Default constructor
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArray(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArray
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDouble grid containing all no data values.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArray(Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArray
TODO: 1.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArrayFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArrayFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArrayFactory
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArrayFactory.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArrayIterator - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArrayIterator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArrayIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareDoubleIterator
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArrayIterator(Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArray) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkArrayIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareDoubleIterator
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAI - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAI() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAI
Default constructor.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAI(SerializableRenderedImage, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAI
For constructing back from a SerializableRenderedImage.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAI(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAI
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAI(Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAI
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAIFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAIFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAIFactory
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAIFactory.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAIIterator - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAIIterator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAIIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareDoubleIterator
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAIIterator(Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAI) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkJAIIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareDoubleIterator
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
The maximum size of this Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract is 64 cells.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Default constructor.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap(Grid2DSquareCellDouble, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap(Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID, double) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMapFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMapFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMapFactory
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMapFactory.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMapIterator - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMapIterator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMapIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareDoubleIterator
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMapIterator(Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMap) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMapIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareDoubleIterator
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAF - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAF() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAF
Default constructor
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAF(File, Grid2DSquareCellDouble, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAF
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDouble grid containing all no data values.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAF(File, Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAF
TODO: docs Optimise for this type (see commented code for clues)
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAFFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAFFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAFFactory
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkMapFactory.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAFIterator - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAFIterator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAFIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareDoubleIterator
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAFIterator(Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAF) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleChunkRAFIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareDoubleIterator
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: Abstraction and extension as for Grid2DSquareCellIntFactory.
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory
Defaults directory to a new one in System.getProperties( "java.io.tmpdir" );
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory(File) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleFactory
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleIterator - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleIterator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareDoubleIterator
Grid2DSquareCellDoubleIterator(Grid2DSquareCellDouble) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellDoubleIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareDoubleIterator
grid2DSquareCellDoubleProcessor - Variable in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.examples.Run
Grid2DSquareCellInt - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
A class to represent and manipulate int precision Grid2DSquareCellAbstract instances.
Grid2DSquareCellInt() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellInt0
Grid2DSquareCellInt(File, File, ObjectInputStream) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellInt.
Grid2DSquareCellInt(GridStatisticsAbstract, File, Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstractFactory, int, int, long, long, BigDecimal[]) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellInt with each cell value equal to Integer.MinValue.
Grid2DSquareCellInt(GridStatisticsAbstract, File, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstractFactory, int, int, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellInt based on values in grid2DSquareCell.
Grid2DSquareCellInt(GridStatisticsAbstract, File, File, Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstractFactory, int, int, long, long, long, long) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellInt
Returns a new Grid2DSquareCellInt with values obtained from gridFile.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
The maximum size of this Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract is 64 cells.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
Default constructor.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap(Grid2DSquareCellInt, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap(Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMapFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMapFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMapFactory
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMapFactory.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMapIterator - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMapIterator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMapIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareIntIterator
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMapIterator(Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMap) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunk64CellMapIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareIntIterator
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstractFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
Abstract Class for defining (an interface for) chunk factory methods.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstractFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstractFactory
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArray - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArray() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArray
Default constructor
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArray(Grid2DSquareCellInt, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArray
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellInt grid containing all no data values.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArray(Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArray
TODO: 1.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArrayFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArrayFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArrayFactory
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArrayFactory.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArrayIterator - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArrayIterator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArrayIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareIntIterator
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArrayIterator(Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArray) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkArrayIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareIntIterator
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAI - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAI() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAI
Default constructor.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAI(SerializableRenderedImage, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAI
For constructing back from a SerializableRenderedImage.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAI(Grid2DSquareCellInt, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAI
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAI(Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAI
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAIFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAIFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAIFactory
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAIFactory.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAIIterator - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAIIterator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAIIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAIIterator
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAIIterator(Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAI) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAIIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkJAIIterator
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: 1.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Default constructor.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap(Grid2DSquareCellInt, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap(Grid2DSquareCellInt, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap(Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap(Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID, int) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMapFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMapFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMapFactory
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMapFactory.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMapIterator - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMapIterator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMapIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareIntIterator
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMapIterator(Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMap) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMapIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareIntIterator
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAF - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAF() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAF
Default constructor
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAF(File, Grid2DSquareCellInt, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAF
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellInt grid containing all no data values.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAF(File, Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkAbstract, Grid2DSquareCellAbstract.ChunkID) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAF
TODO: docs Optimise for this type (see commented code for clues)
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAFFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAFFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAFFactory
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkMapFactory.
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAFIterator - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAFIterator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAFIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareIntIterator
Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAFIterator(Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAF) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntChunkRAFIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareIntIterator
Grid2DSquareCellIntFactory - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: 1.
Grid2DSquareCellIntFactory() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntFactory
Defaults directory to a new one in System.getProperties( "java.io.tmpdir" );
Grid2DSquareCellIntFactory(File) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntFactory
Grid2DSquareCellIntIterator - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
Grid2DSquareCellIntIterator() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareIntIterator
Grid2DSquareCellIntIterator(Grid2DSquareCellInt) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellIntIterator
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareIntIterator
Grid2DSquareCellProcessor - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process
A class holding methods for processing an individual Grid2DSquareCellAbstract or multiple Grid2DSquareCellAbstracts.
Grid2DSquareCellProcessor() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessor
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareCellDoubleProcessor
Grid2DSquareCellProcessor(File) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessor
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareCellDoubleProcessor.
Grid2DSquareCellProcessor(File, boolean) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessor
Creates a new instance of Grid2DSquareCellDoubleProcessor.
Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process
A class of methods relevant to the processing of Digital Elevation Model Data.
Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorDEM
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDoubleProcessorDEM
Grid2DSquareCellProcessorGWS - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process
Class of methods for processing and generating geographically weighted Grid2DSquareCellDouble statistics.
Grid2DSquareCellProcessorGWS() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessorGWS
Creates a new Grid2DSquareCellDoubleProcessorGWS
grid2DSquareCells - Variable in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.process.Grid2DSquareCellProcessor
A collection of the Grid2dSquareCellAbstracts being processed
gridArray2CSV(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract[], String, File) - Static method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.exchange.io
Generates CSV file from gridArray
gridStatistics - Variable in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.Grid2DSquareCellAbstract
A reference to the grid Statistics Object.
GridStatistics0 - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
Intended for use in grids that keep all fields (statistics) up to date as underlying data is changed.
GridStatistics0() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics0
Creates a new instance of GridStatistics0
GridStatistics0(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics0
Creates a new instance of GridStatistics0
GridStatistics1 - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
Used by Grid2DSquareCellAbstract instances to access statistics.
GridStatistics1() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics1
Creates a new instance of GridStatistics0
GridStatistics1(Grid2DSquareCellAbstract) - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatistics1
Creates a new instance of GridStatistics1
GridStatisticsAbstract - Class in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
GridStatisticsAbstract() - Constructor for class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core.GridStatisticsAbstract
GridStatisticsInterface - Interface in uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.core
TODO: docs
GridtoGam() - Method in class uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.grids.examples.UtilitiesRuns