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University of Leeds students

The children’s learning will be supported by third year Geography students as part of the Work-Place Co-operative Project (GEOG5910). The module enables students to work in collaboration with an organisation on a theme, investigation or project relevant to the needs of the organisation and to academic study for a degree in Geography.

As part of their involvement with the Hippo Project students will be asked to:

  1. Produce lesson plans and teaching resources for Ks2 focusing on the hippo bones,
    climate change, sustainability, carbon emissions, alternate energies and ultimately
    raising environmental awareness.
  2. Students have the opportunity to go into Primary schools and support teaching staff with the delivery of four workshops, work with individual pupils and small groups, accompany pupils on field trips to the University.
  3. Contribute to the content of the Hippo Project website by providing resources to encourage family learning and engage parents with their child’s development and education, activities and information for Ks2 pupils and information and resources for use by teaching staff.
  4. Students will have a key role in producing and collating text and images for the project exhibition to be displayed in June and September 2008 at the New Leeds Museum and the University.

Students who took part in the project during the 2006/07 academic year found that the project challenged and stretched them, equipping them with valuable skills:

“I’m glad I chose to do the work placement module as I think it will help me enormously when I begin to apply for jobs and have interviews as I can provide a good example of when I put my key skills into practice”

“The project has been both challenging and rewarding and I feel I have gained skills that I can take into the workplace in the future”

“I feel my team working skills have definitely improved. Working on the project has also developed my organisational skills and taught me to manage my time more effectively”.


Project Aims & Objectives

Project Partners



Exhibition Dates





Access & Community

Heritage Lottery

Royal Armouries

Leeds Museum & Galleries

Sustainable Schools Initiative

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