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Assessment 2

This assessment is an open project. You should design your own project in collaboration with me. The project should be something useful and take approximately 50 hours of coding.


This is an open project, so you can make whatever you like and think would be a) useful, b) help you to explore some element of the module you haven't fully explored yet. You may do projects that are a development of elements of other modules or that will be useful for your dissertation, however, if you do this you need to talk to me about how to handle this, as it is absolutely essential that the same work is not submitted to different modules. For example, you could build a simple abstract model for this assessment, and then build a fuller model for your dissertation, explicitly referencing the abstract model work as for this module.

Please submit all code, data, and ancillary work in a single zip file to the VLE. However, as part of the project, please also upload your code etc. to GitHub (if, for reasons of confidentiality or practicality this isn't possible, please discuss it with us), with appropriate Readme documentation and licensing. Include a text file with a link to your GitHub repo in your final VLE submission. All code produced should be open-sourced with either an Open Source or Creative Commons licence.

Marking criteria

These are slightly project-dependent, but assuming you aren't doing something very unusual (like an electronics or robotics project), marks will be based on the standard coding marking scheme. GitHub elements will count towards code readability criteria.

Projects that do something useful for society are encouraged. You can find a list of some of the previous projects students have done on the Previous Projects page.

University policies on plagiarism and collusion apply.