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Programming for Spatial Analysts: Advanced Skills

Assessment 1

This assessment is an online portfolio of the practical work. You may build the portfolio anywhere, but we recommend building up the GitHub (practical) portfolio built for the "Core" course. The portfolio should consist of the practical work done during the course, plus any additional stages towards that work you wish to keep. You are welcome to enhance the code with original material, though this is not expected.

The portfolio should comprise a website of one or more pages, including biographical material explaining who you are, some details of the practical work, and a link to the code. These websites may link to standard GitHub profiles etc., but must be in addition to them. The website should include some hand-coded HTML or markdown, but may include any other elements you feel are appropriate. The idea is to build an online portfolio you may ultimately wish to use as your public face as a coder or in wider engagements. You are therefore welcome to link to additional work or materials, though these won't count towards your marks.

All components will be marked against the standard coding marking scheme. For the website, this means we will look at usability and the structure of the HTML/markdown, as well as how successfully the site conveys the message it is trying to put across. For the code, this means whether it works as intended, but also the presentation, adherence to community standards, and commenting/documentation. You should make sure that your code is appropriately licensed.

Please note that we take plagiarism and the subcontracting of code extremely seriously. Please read the guidelines. In this one case, you are welcome to use code automatically created by GitHub or other web templating systems for your website, but you should make this clear as appropriate for the template licence and in addition in the source code of the files generated. Please note that any automatically generated code will not count towards your mark, and therefore you should include hand-crafted HTML/markdown in your website to gain the marks for this component. In a automatically generated template, please comment your own code to highlight this.

Submission of the project should be by uploading the URL in a text file to the Minerva VLE system; an appropriate assessment upload area can be found under the module listing for this module.