SCSS Exploratory Workshops

School of Geography, University of Leeds

Principal Investigator:

Dr A.Bailey


1st January 2001 – 31st December 2001


European Science Foundation


This project set up an interdisciplinary collaboration that critically examines the changing interface between mobility, migration and family. The imperative for an exploratory workshop stems from three sources. First, migration events are unfolding simultaneously at multiple scales as a single European Labour Market emerges. Second, there is a widening array of household types. Third, human capitol approaches to migration are increasingly called in to question by life course and gender analyses. A balanced team of emerging and established scientists convened to consider specific issues arising, such as: what is the state-of–the-art of family migration research? What new theoretical and methodological developments should be encouraged? Following the workshop, the transnational coordinating group reconvened to articulate trenchant themes, and operationalise an appropriate multi-year research plan.

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