package; import*; public class Gnomonic implements { double phi_0=0,phi_1=0,lambda_0 = 0; public double[] project(double lon, double lat) { double p[] = new double[2]; double lambda, phi,x,y; //to radians lambda = (Math.PI/180d)*lon; phi = (Math.PI/180d)*lat; //do calculations double cosc = Math.sin(phi_1)*Math.sin(phi)+Math.cos(phi_1)*Math.cos(phi)*Math.cos(lambda-lambda_0); x = (Math.cos(phi)*Math.sin(lambda-lambda_0))/cosc; y = (Math.cos(phi_1)*Math.sin(phi)-Math.sin(phi_1)*Math.cos(phi)*Math.cos(lambda-lambda_0))/cosc; //from radians p[0] = x * 180d/Math.PI; p[1] = y * 180d/Math.PI; return p; } public double[] unproject(double x, double y) { double p[] = new double[2]; //to radians x = (Math.PI/180d)*x; y = (Math.PI/180d)*y; //do calcualtaions double dist = Math.sqrt((x*x)+(y*y)); double theta = Math.atan(dist); double phi,lambda; phi = Math.asin(Math.cos(theta)*Math.sin(phi_1)+((y*Math.sin(theta)*Math.cos(theta)*Math.cos(phi_1))/dist)); lambda = lambda_0 + Math.atan((x*Math.sin(theta))/(dist * Math.cos(phi_1) * Math.cos(theta) - y * Math.sin(phi_1) * Math.sin(theta))); p[0] = lambda * 180d/Math.PI; p[1] = phi * 180d/Math.PI; return p; } /** given a geographical extent work out the minimum bounding rectangle * that contains that rectangle when projected - you may clip the * rectangle returned to reflect what is sensible for this projection * NB needs writing properly for this projection! */ public GeoRectangle projectedExtent(GeoRectangle r){ double x = r.getX(); double y = r.getY(); double w = r.getWidth(); double h = r.getHeight(); double upper; if(y<-85) y=-85; if((y+h)>85) upper=85; else upper=y+h; double b1[] = project(lambda_0,Math.min(y,upper)); double b2[] = project(x,y); double base = Math.min(b1[1],b2[1]); double l1[] = project(x,phi_0); double l2[] = project(x,y); double left = Math.min(l1[0],l2[0]); double t1[] = project(lambda_0,upper); double t2[] = project(x,upper); double top = Math.max(t1[1],t2[1]); double r1[] = project(x+w,phi_0); double r2[] = project(x+w,Math.min(y,upper)); double right = Math.max(r1[0],r2[0]); System.out.println(""+left+","+base+":"+right+","+top); GeoRectangle gr = new GeoRectangle(); gr.add(left,base); gr.add(top,right); return gr; } public GeoRectangle unprojectedExtent(GeoRectangle r){ return r; } public GeoRectangle clipToSafe(GeoRectangle r){ return r; } }