package; import*; import*; import java.awt.*; public class XYGrid extends { private final static boolean DEBUG=true; double olatStep=200000,olonStep=200000; int latDiv=10,lonDiv=10; GeoRectangle bounds = new GeoRectangle(-180,-90,360,180); public void setBounds(GeoRectangle g){ bounds=new GeoRectangle(g); } public GeoRectangle getBounds() { return new GeoRectangle(bounds); } public GeoRectangle getBoundsOf(int id[]) { // This method is derived from interface // to do: code goes here return null; } public GeoRectangle getBoundsOf(int id) { // This method is derived from interface // to do: code goes here return null; } public int getID(GeoPoint p) { // This method is derived from interface // to do: code goes here return 0; } public int getID(double x, double y) { // This method is derived from interface // to do: code goes here return 0; } public void paintHighlight(Graphics g, Scaler scale, int id, ShadeStyle style) { // This method is derived from interface // to do: code goes here } public void paintScaled(GeoGraphics gg) { Graphics g = gg.getGraphics(); Scaler scale = gg.getScale(); Shader shade = gg.getShade(); ShadeStyle style = gg.getStyle(); //System.out.println(scale.getMapExtent()); GeoRectangle realExtent = scale.getMapExtent(); GeoRectangle extent = realExtent.createIntersect(bounds); if(extent==null) return; if(bounds.isContainedBy(extent)) extent=bounds; int p[]; g.setColor(Color.gray); double x = extent.getX(); double y = extent.getY(); double lonStep = olonStep; double latStep = olatStep; double width = extent.getWidth(); double height = extent.getHeight(); while((width/lonStep)<4.0)lonStep/=2.0; while((height/latStep)<4.0)latStep/=2.0; // latStep=lonStep=Math.max(Math.min(latStep,lonStep),5.0); if(DEBUG)System.out.println("Step Size "+latStep+":"+lonStep); //latStep=lonStep=Math.max(1.0,(int)Math.min(latStep,lonStep)); int xstart = (int)Math.ceil((int)(x/lonStep)*lonStep-lonStep); while(xstart(bounds.x+bounds.width))xend-=lonStep; int ystart = (int)Math.ceil((int)(y/latStep)*latStep-latStep); while(ystart(bounds.y+bounds.height))yend-=latStep; double inc = Math.min((width/(100.0)),(height/(100.0))); if(DEBUG)System.out.println("x/lat "+x+" "+xstart+" "+latStep+" "+inc); for(double lon=xstart;lon<=xend;lon+=lonStep){ for(double lat=extent.y;lat<=(extent.y+extent.height);lat+=inc){ p = scale.toGraphics(lon,lat); if(lon==0.0){ g.setColor(; }else{ g.setColor(Color.gray); } g.drawOval(p[0],p[1], 1,1); } g.setColor(; g.setXORMode(Color.white); if(extent.contains(lon,extent.y)){ p = scale.toGraphics(lon,extent.y); g.drawString(FormatedString.format(""+lon,0),p[0]+1,p[1]-2); } g.setPaintMode(); } if(DEBUG)System.out.println("y/lon "+y+" "+ystart+" "+lonStep+" "+inc); for(double lat=ystart;lat<=yend;lat+=latStep){ for(double lon=extent.x;lon<=(extent.x+extent.width);lon+=inc){ p = scale.toGraphics(lon,lat); if(lat==0.0){ g.setColor(; }else{ g.setColor(Color.gray); } g.drawOval(p[0],p[1], 1,1); } g.setColor(; g.setXORMode(Color.white); if(extent.contains(extent.x,lat)){ p = scale.toGraphics(extent.x,lat); g.drawString(FormatedString.format(""+lat,0),p[0]+1,p[1]); } g.setPaintMode(); } } }