package; import java.awt.Color; /** * An interface to be used by shaders. * Shaders define color sceems for use in maps

* They work by returning a colour for any given value.

* How they work out what that colour should be is down to each shader to * work out for itself.

* A very simple example is that of the monoShader which simply returns the same * color every time regardless of the value passed to it.

* Shaders are probably THE easyest and most useful thing for others to write if * they want to add to the geoTools package.

* */ public interface Shader { public final int BOX=0,LINE=1,POINT=2; /** * Gets RGB colour for the given value. * @param value A double that the shader should look up and return a colour for. * @return an int RGB of the colour. */ public int getRGB(double value); /** * get the color that reprisents this value * @return the color for this value */ public Color getColor(double value); /** * Set the code that represents a missing value. * Many data sets have missing values in them represented * by a code, my using this method you can tell the shader what * that value is. * e.g. Arc/Info often uses -9999 * @see #setMissingValueColor * @param code The double used to represent a missing value. */ public void setMissingValueCode(double code); /** * Gets the current code used to represent a missing value. * Many data sets have missing values in them represented * by a code, my using this method you can ask the shader what * value it is currently using. * @see #getMissingValueColor * @return The value used to represent a missing value */ public double getMissingValueCode(); /** * Sets the color used to represent missing data values. * @param color The color to return when getColor/getRGB are passed a missing value code * @see #setMissingValueCode * @see #getRGB * @see #getColor */ public void setMissingValueColor(Color color); /** * Gets the color currently used by the shader to represent missing values. * @return The color that represents a missing value * @see #getMissingValueCode */ public Color getMissingValueColor(); /** * Sets the range of values that this shader will be expected to work * beween. * @param min A double for the lowest expected value; * @param max A double for the highest expected value; */ public void setRange(double min,double max); public double[] getRange(); /** * Sets the range of values that this shader will be expected to work * beween. * @param d A GeoData object from which to pull range info */ public void setRange(GeoData d); /** * Gets a key panel that represents the values covered by this shader */ public Key getKey(); // public LineKey getLineKey(); // public PointKey getPointKey(); public void setKeyStyle(int styleCode); public int getKeyStyle(); /** * Add a listener for shader change events */ public void addShaderChangedListener(ShaderChangedListener scl); /** * remove a listened for shader change events */ public void removeShaderChangedListener(ShaderChangedListener scl); public String getName(); }