package; import java.awt.Cursor; /** * Provides the zoom funtionality for viewers. * OneClickZoomInTool is a simple alternative to the zoom tool that zooms in on a point. * * * @since 22 November 2000 * @author James Macgill JM */ public class OneClickZoomInTool extends SimpleTool{ static boolean DEBUG=false; static String DBC="OZI "; double percent = 80; /** * Returns the default cursor type for this tool. * In this instance, a HAND_CURSOR. * @author James Macgill * @since 22 November 2000 * @return Cursor the default cursor for this tool */ public Cursor getCursor(){ return new Cursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR); } /** * Sets the amount that the zoom is changed by when the tool is activeted. * @since 22 November 2000 * @param percent The new zoom change amount */ public void setAmmount(double percent){ this.percent = percent; } /** * called when a mouse button has been clciked. * The view is centered on the point of the click and zoomed in. * * @author James Macgill * @since 22 November 2000 */ public void click(){ if(DEBUG)System.out.println(DBC+"zooming in "+percent); context.zoomInOnPoint(mouse.getMapPoint(),percent);;//clean up } public int getRubberBandShape(){ return NONE; } /** * provides a short name for this tool. * The name should be suitable for inclusion in a menu or on a button. * * @author James Macgill JM * @since 0.7.9 November 23 2000 * @return String The name of this tool. */ public String getName(){ return java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("uk/ac/leeds/ccg/geotools/i18n").getString("Zoom_In"); } /** * provides a description for this tool. * The description should briefly describe the purpose of the dool * * @author James Macgill JM * @since 0.7.9 November 23 2000 * @return String A description of this tool. */ public String getDescription(){ return java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle("uk/ac/leeds/ccg/geotools/i18n").getString("Centers_the_map_on_selected_point_and_zooms_in"); } }