package; import java.awt.*; /*LineKeyBox class allows the colour of the line for the key to /be chosen and for the dimensions of the box and text to be /taken from the relevant layers. /author@ "Alison Copeland". */ public class LineKeyBox extends KeyBox { /* Shader shade; double value; String label; private int maxHight = 20; Dimension dim = new Dimension(80,maxHight); */ public LineKeyBox(Shader s,double value,String label){ super(s,value,label); } /* public Dimension getPreferredSize() { FontMetrics f = this.getFontMetrics(getFont()); //System.out.println(f.stringWidth(label)); dim = new Dimension((f.stringWidth(label)+40),maxHight); return dim; } public Dimension getMaximumSize() { //System.out.println("Max Size Requested"); return new Dimension(dim.width,20); } public void setShader(Shader s){ this.shade=s; } */ public void paint(Graphics g){ if(shade==null) return; int h=this.getSize().height; int w=this.getSize().width; g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawRect(2,2,30,h-4); g.setColor(shade.getColor(value)); g.drawLine(2,15,30,26); g.drawString(label, 38, h/2+(h/4)); } }