package; import java.util.*; //Change for 1.2 /** * An implementation of the collection Comparator interface that allows * for the comparing of objects that implement the IDReferenced interface. * This can be used in conjenction with the collection packages that support sorting * to provide efficient storage and retrival of features by id. * * @since 12/May/2000 * @author James Macgill JM */ public class IDComparator implements Comparator { /** * Compares the id values of the two objects.
* Both objects must implement the IDReferenced interface otherwise a ClassCastException will be thrown

* * @author James Macgill JM * @since 12/May/2000 * @param a The first object to be commpared id, must implement IDReferenced. (Note all classes which extend GeoShape do this) * @param b The second object to be compared by id, must implement IDReferenced. * @return int The result of the comparason, -ve if a has a lower id than b +ve if b has a lower id than a. * A value of 0 indecates that both have the same ID. * N.B. This does not imply equality, simply that both features share the same ID value. */ public int compare(Object a,Object b){ return ((IDReferenced)a).getID()-((IDReferenced)b).getID(); } }