package; import java.awt.*; /** * The GeoGraphics class is a wrapper for a standard awt.Graphics object * that also conains all of the style, filtering and scaleing objects * needed by a layer to paint itself.

* GeoGraphics are passed to Layers by theme to the paintScaled(GeoGraphics gg) * methiod.

* Origionaly, layers used a paintScaled(Graphics g, Scaler s, Style st...) method
* however, each additional item required a re-write of the Layer interface.

* By passing a GeoGraphics object, additonal features can be added more easely.

* @author James Macgill * @since 0.6 * @version 0.7.1 12/Jan/00 */ public class GeoGraphics { /** * Layers can be passed a reason code to tell them why they have to repaint * at the moment there is only one reason, 0, but this may be used for * further expantion */ protected int reason = (int)0; /** * Contains info on filling, outlining and the like */ protected ShadeStyle style = (; /** * contains id/value information that can be used for passing to the shader */ protected GeoData data = (GeoData)null; /** * contains id/text information that can be used for display as a label */ protected GeoData labelData = (GeoData)null; /** * will process value/colour lookups for the layer. */ protected Shader shade = (; /** * Provides scaling services to match the view that this layer will be * drawn in. */ protected Scaler scale = (; /** * A standard awt.Graphics object. */ protected java.awt.Graphics graphics = null; /** * When not null, layers should check against the filter to see if * each feature should actualy be drawn by passing the filter its id. */ protected Filter filter = null; /** * Used to store the stroke width for lines. */ protected int width = 1; /** * Default constructor, not acutaly of much use to anyone. */ public GeoGraphics(){ } /** * A full constructor for a GeoGraphics object. * @version 0.7.1 * * @param g A standard awt.Graphics object, where the painting should take palce * @param scale Used to convert GeoPoints into screen coordinates for the viewer * @param shade Provides value/colour lookup for layers * @param data Provides id/value lookup for representing data. * @param style Contains information on filling and outlineing. * @param filter Provides id/visible lookup for filtering out features * @param reason A reason code for why a redraw is needed, not used at present. */ public GeoGraphics(Graphics g,Scaler scale,Shader shade,GeoData data,GeoData labelData,ShadeStyle style,Filter filter,int reason){ graphics = g; this.scale = scale; this.shade = shade; = data; = style; this.reason = reason; this.filter = filter; this.labelData = labelData; } /** * Find out why this GeoGraphics was created * not used at present, but may be used for future expantion * @return reason an int value that marks the code for the reason, not used yet. */ public int getReason() { return reason; } /** * Get the awt.Graphics object so that some painting can actualy be done.
* This will tipicaly give you inderict access to the Viewers display.
* The graphics object will actualy be to some form of offscreen buffer, because of this * there is no need for users to implement any form of buffering themselves. * * @return Graphics An awt Graphics object that can be drawn to as normal. */ public Graphics getGraphics(){ return graphics; } /** * Change the graphics object contained by this object. * Probaly not needed, as it would be better to create a new GeoGraphics object instead. */ public void setGraphics(Graphics g){ graphics = g; } public void setReason(int propValue) { int temp = reason; reason = propValue; } /** * Get the style object so that info on filling, outlining can be obtained. * @return ShadeStyle the Style object. */ public ShadeStyle getStyle() { return style; } public void setStyle( propValue) { temp = style; style = propValue; } /** * Get the data which should be used in this display * @return GeoData A GeoData object against which id/value lookups should be performed. */ public GeoData getData() { return data; } /** * Get the label data which should be used in this display * @return GeoData A GeoData object against which id/text lookups should be performed. */ public GeoData getLabelData() { return labelData; } public void setData(GeoData propValue) { GeoData temp = data; data = propValue; } /** * Any value/colour lookups should be performed by passing them through the * Shader object provided by this method. * @return Shader the Shader object to perform value/colour lookups against. */ public Shader getShade() { return shade; } public void setShade( propValue) { temp = shade; shade = propValue; } /** * Any geographic coordinates can be converted into screen coordiates * apropreate for the Graphics object by using the functions provied by the * scaler that is returned by this mehtod. * @return Scaler for performing scaleing operations. */ public Scaler getScale() { return scale; } public void setScale( propValue) { temp = scale; scale = propValue; } public void setFilter(Filter f){ filter = f; } /** * Filters allow featutres to be 'switched off' by id. * By passing the id of any feature to the filter provided by this * method, layers can check what features should be filtered out. * @return Filter N.B. can be null, in which case no filtering should be performed. */ public Filter getFilter(){ return filter; } }