/** * A component of a library for * MoSeS. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ package uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.projects.moses.process; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.projects.moses.io.AbstractOutputDataHandler; import uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.projects.moses.io.OutputDataHandler_ControlConstraints; import uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.projects.moses.io.OutputDataHandler_NonConstraints_1; import uk.ac.leeds.ccg.andyt.projects.moses.io.OutputDataHandler_OptimisationConstraints_1; /** * A class for generating maps comparing CAS data with IndividualCensus outputs * in the form of regression plots. */ public class RegressionReport_2 extends RegressionReport { public RegressionReport_2() { } String[] _Variables; String _AreaLevel; String _Type; /** * @param args * the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new RegressionReport_2().run(); } public void run() throws Exception { // run( "ControlConstraints", "SSE" ); // run( "OptimisationConstraints", "SSE" ); // run( "NonConstraints", "SSE" ); run("ControlConstraints", "NSSE"); run("OptimisationConstraints", "NSSE"); run("NonConstraints", "NSSE"); } public void run( String _Type, String _ErrorFunction) throws Exception { this._Type = _Type; String _OutputDirectoryName_1 = new String("C:/temp/"); // Because // filename // length is a // problem! // String _OutputName = new String( // "ToyModel_SWR_OA_HSARHP_ISARCEP_0_10_3000_10_100_12_10" ); String _OutputName = new String( "ToyModel_SWR_MSOA_HSARHP_ISARCEP_1_0_5_3000_3_30_96_20"); String _OutputDirectoryName_2 = new String(_OutputDirectoryName_1 + _ErrorFunction + "/" + _OutputName + "/"); File _InputFile = new File(_OutputDirectoryName_2, _OutputName + ".csv"); String _InputDirectoryName = new String( "C:/Work/Projects/MoSeS/Workspace/"); AbstractOutputDataHandler _OutputDataHandler = null; if (_Type.equalsIgnoreCase("ControlConstraints")) { _OutputDataHandler = new OutputDataHandler_ControlConstraints(); } if (_Type.equalsIgnoreCase("OptimisationConstraints")) { _OutputDataHandler = new OutputDataHandler_OptimisationConstraints_1(); } if (_Type.equalsIgnoreCase("NonConstraints")) { _OutputDataHandler = new OutputDataHandler_NonConstraints_1(); } this._AreaLevel = "MSOA"; // OA,MSOA,Ward String _AggregationLevel = ""; // MSOA,Ward String _Area = "Leeds"; // UK long _StartRecordID = 0L;// 56749L;//0L; long _EndRecordID = 107L;// _StartRecordID + 2438L;//175433L; String _OutputFileName; // Observed _OutputFileName = new String(_InputDirectoryName + "/" + _Area + "/" + _Type + "/" + _AreaLevel + ".csv"); File _ObservedFile = new File(_OutputFileName); _InputDirectoryName += _Area + "/"; _OutputDataHandler.writeObserved( _InputDirectoryName, _OutputFileName, _StartRecordID, _EndRecordID, _AreaLevel, null); // Estimated _OutputFileName = new String(_OutputDirectoryName_2 + "/" + _Area + "/" + _Type + "/" + _AreaLevel + ".csv"); File _EstimatedFile = new File(_OutputFileName); _OutputDataHandler.writeEstimated_HSARHP(_InputFile, _EstimatedFile, _AggregationLevel); // URL _BaseURL_1 = new URL( // "http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/people/a.turner/projects/MoSeS/documentation/demography/results/2001PopulationInitialisation/" // ); URL _BaseURL_2 = new URL( "http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/people/a.turner/projects/MoSeS/documentation/demography/results/2001PopulationInitialisation/" + _ErrorFunction + "/IPS_GA_ComparisonRun/" + _OutputName + "/" + _Area + "/" + _Type + "/" + _AreaLevel + ".xhtml2.0.html"); int _Chart_Width = 500; int _Chart_Height = 500; outputImages(_ObservedFile, _EstimatedFile, _EstimatedFile .getParentFile(), _Chart_Width, _Chart_Height); _OutputFileName = new String(_OutputDirectoryName_2 + "/" + _Area + "/" + _Type + "/" + _AreaLevel + ".xhtml2.0.html"); writeHTML(_BaseURL_2, _OutputName + " " + _Area + " " + _Type + " " + _AreaLevel, new File(_OutputFileName)); } public void outputImages(File _File_Observed, File _File_Expected, File _OutputDirectory, int _Chart_Width, int _Chart_Height) throws Exception { Object[] _Data = loadData(_File_Expected, _File_Observed); this._Variables = (String[]) _Data[0]; double[][] _SARExpectedData = (double[][]) _Data[1]; double[][] _CASObservedData = (double[][]) _Data[2]; String xAxisLabel = new String("CAS Estimation (Observed)"); String yAxisLabel = new String("SAR Prediction (Expected)"); JFreeChart[] _ScatterPlots = createScatterPlots(this._Variables, _SARExpectedData, _CASObservedData, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel); Object[] _RegressionParametersAndCreateXYLineCharts = getRegressionParametersAndCreateXYLineCharts( this._Variables, _SARExpectedData, _CASObservedData); JFreeChart[] _RegressionCharts = createRegressionCharts(_ScatterPlots, _RegressionParametersAndCreateXYLineCharts); String type = "PNG"; outputImages(_RegressionCharts, this._Variables, _Chart_Width, _Chart_Height, this._AreaLevel, _OutputDirectory, type); } public void runOA(String baseURL, String directoryCASObserved, String directory, String filenamePrefix, String filenameSuffix, String aOutputName, int int_MainBodyControlSwitch) throws Exception { String filenameMidfix = new String("_" + aOutputName + "OA"); Object[] _Data = loadData(new File(directory + filenamePrefix, filenamePrefix + filenameMidfix + ".csv"), new File( directoryCASObserved, aOutputName + "OA.csv")); String[] _Variables = (String[]) _Data[0]; double[][] _SARExpectedData = (double[][]) _Data[1]; double[][] _CASObservedData = (double[][]) _Data[2]; String xAxisLabel = new String("CAS Estimation (Observed)"); String yAxisLabel = new String("SAR Prediction (Expected)"); JFreeChart[] _ScatterPlots = createScatterPlots(_Variables, _SARExpectedData, _CASObservedData, xAxisLabel, yAxisLabel); Object[] _RegressionParametersAndCreateXYLineCharts = getRegressionParametersAndCreateXYLineCharts( _Variables, _SARExpectedData, _CASObservedData); JFreeChart[] _RegressionCharts = createRegressionCharts(_ScatterPlots, _RegressionParametersAndCreateXYLineCharts); String type = "PNG"; // outputImages( _ScatterPlots, directory + filenamePrefix + // "_ScatterPlot", type ); // outputImages( _XYLineCharts, directory + filenamePrefix + "/" + // filenamePrefix + "_XYLineChart", type ); outputImages(_RegressionCharts, 500, 500, directory + filenamePrefix + "/", filenamePrefix + filenameMidfix + "_RegressionChart", type); writeHTML(baseURL, directory + filenamePrefix + "/", filenamePrefix + filenameMidfix, filenameSuffix, int_MainBodyControlSwitch); } public void writeHTMLBodyMain(byte[] _LineSeparator, URL _BaseURL, FileOutputStream a_FileOutputStream) throws IOException { writeHTMLBodyMain1(_LineSeparator, _BaseURL, a_FileOutputStream); } public void writeHTMLBodyMain(byte[] _LineSeparator, String _BaseURL, String filenamePrefix, String filenameSuffix, FileOutputStream a_FileOutputStream, int int_MainBodyControlSwitch) throws IOException { if (int_MainBodyControlSwitch == 1) { writeHTMLBodyMain1(_LineSeparator, _BaseURL, filenamePrefix, filenameSuffix, a_FileOutputStream); } } public void writeHTMLBodyMain1(byte[] _LineSeparator, String _BaseURL, String filenamePrefix, String filenameSuffix, FileOutputStream a_FileOutputStream) throws IOException { a_FileOutputStream.write(_LineSeparator); a_FileOutputStream.write(new String("
").getBytes()); a_FileOutputStream.write(_LineSeparator); a_FileOutputStream.write(new String("
").getBytes()); a_FileOutputStream.write(_LineSeparator); } public void writeHTMLBodyMain1(byte[] _LineSeparator, URL _BaseURL, FileOutputStream a_FileOutputStream) throws IOException { a_FileOutputStream.write(_LineSeparator); a_FileOutputStream.write(new String("
").getBytes()); a_FileOutputStream.write(_LineSeparator); a_FileOutputStream.write(new String("").getBytes()); a_FileOutputStream.write(_LineSeparator); a_FileOutputStream.write(new String("
").getBytes()); a_FileOutputStream.write(_LineSeparator); } }