// Copyright (c) 2002, Eric D. Friedman All Rights Reserved. package gnu.trove; /** * This object hashing strategy uses the System.identityHashCode * method to provide identity hash codes. These are identical to the * value produced by Object.hashCode(), even when the type of the * object being hashed overrides that method. * * Created: Sat Aug 17 11:13:15 2002 * * @author Eric Friedman * @version $Id: TObjectIdentityHashingStrategy.java,v 1.2 2002/08/18 19:14:28 ericdf Exp $ */ public final class TObjectIdentityHashingStrategy implements TObjectHashingStrategy { /** * Delegates hash code computation to the System.identityHashCode(Object) method. * * @param object for which the hashcode is to be computed * @return the hashCode */ public final int computeHashCode(Object object) { return System.identityHashCode(object); } /** * Compares object references for equality. * * @param o1 an Object value * @param o2 an Object value * @return true if o1 == o2 */ public final boolean equals(Object o1, Object o2) { return o1 == o2; } } // TObjectIdentityHashingStrategy