/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (c) 2001, Eric D. Friedman All Rights Reserved. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public // License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package gnu.trove; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInputStream; import java.io.ObjectOutputStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Arrays; /** * An open addressed set implementation for float primitives. * * Created: Sat Nov 3 10:38:17 2001 * * @author Eric D. Friedman * @version $Id: TFloatHashSet.java,v 1.11 2003/03/19 04:17:03 ericdf Exp $ */ public class TFloatHashSet extends TFloatHash implements Serializable { /** * Creates a new TFloatHashSet instance with the default * capacity and load factor. */ public TFloatHashSet() { super(); } /** * Creates a new TFloatHashSet instance with a prime * capacity equal to or greater than initialCapacity and * with the default load factor. * * @param initialCapacity an int value */ public TFloatHashSet(int initialCapacity) { super(initialCapacity); } /** * Creates a new TFloatHashSet instance with a prime * capacity equal to or greater than initialCapacity and * with the specified load factor. * * @param initialCapacity an int value * @param loadFactor a float value */ public TFloatHashSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) { super(initialCapacity, loadFactor); } /** * Creates a new TFloatHashSet instance containing the * elements of array. * * @param array an array of float primitives */ public TFloatHashSet(float[] array) { this(array.length); addAll(array); } /** * Creates a new TFloatHash instance with the default * capacity and load factor. * @param strategy used to compute hash codes and to compare keys. */ public TFloatHashSet(TFloatHashingStrategy strategy) { super(strategy); } /** * Creates a new TFloatHash instance whose capacity * is the next highest prime above initialCapacity + 1 * unless that value is already prime. * * @param initialCapacity an int value * @param strategy used to compute hash codes and to compare keys. */ public TFloatHashSet(int initialCapacity, TFloatHashingStrategy strategy) { super(initialCapacity, strategy); } /** * Creates a new TFloatHash instance with a prime * value at or near the specified capacity and load factor. * * @param initialCapacity used to find a prime capacity for the table. * @param loadFactor used to calculate the threshold over which * rehashing takes place. * @param strategy used to compute hash codes and to compare keys. */ public TFloatHashSet(int initialCapacity, float loadFactor, TFloatHashingStrategy strategy) { super(initialCapacity, loadFactor, strategy); } /** * Creates a new TFloatHashSet instance containing the * elements of array. * * @param array an array of float primitives * @param strategy used to compute hash codes and to compare keys. */ public TFloatHashSet(float[] array, TFloatHashingStrategy strategy) { this(array.length, strategy); addAll(array); } /** * @return a TFloatIterator with access to the values in this set */ public TFloatIterator iterator() { return new TFloatIterator(this); } /** * Inserts a value into the set. * * @param val an float value * @return true if the set was modified by the add operation */ public boolean add(float val) { int index = insertionIndex(val); if (index < 0) { return false; // already present in set, nothing to add } byte previousState = _states[index]; _set[index] = val; _states[index] = FULL; postInsertHook(previousState == FREE); return true; // yes, we added something } /** * Expands the set to accomodate new values. * * @param newCapacity an int value */ protected void rehash(int newCapacity) { int oldCapacity = _set.length; float oldSet[] = _set; byte oldStates[] = _states; _set = new float[newCapacity]; _states = new byte[newCapacity]; for (int i = oldCapacity; i-- > 0;) { if(oldStates[i] == FULL) { float o = oldSet[i]; int index = insertionIndex(o); _set[index] = o; _states[index] = FULL; } } } /** * Returns a new array containing the values in the set. * * @return an float[] value */ public float[] toArray() { float[] result = new float[size()]; float[] set = _set; byte[] states = _states; for (int i = states.length, j = 0; i-- > 0;) { if (states[i] == FULL) { result[j++] = set[i]; } } return result; } /** * Empties the set. */ public void clear() { super.clear(); float[] set = _set; byte[] states = _states; for (int i = set.length; i-- > 0;) { set[i] = (float)0; states[i] = FREE; } } /** * Compares this set with another set for equality of their stored * entries. * * @param other an Object value * @return a boolean value */ public boolean equals(Object other) { if (! (other instanceof TFloatHashSet)) { return false; } final TFloatHashSet that = (TFloatHashSet)other; if (that.size() != this.size()) { return false; } return forEach(new TFloatProcedure() { public final boolean execute(float value) { return that.contains(value); } }); } public int hashCode() { HashProcedure p = new HashProcedure(); forEach(p); return p.getHashCode(); } private final class HashProcedure implements TFloatProcedure { private int h = 0; public int getHashCode() { return h; } public final boolean execute(float key) { h += _hashingStrategy.computeHashCode(key); return true; } } /** * Removes val from the set. * * @param val an float value * @return true if the set was modified by the remove operation. */ public boolean remove(float val) { int index = index(val); if (index >= 0) { removeAt(index); return true; } return false; } /** * Tests the set to determine if all of the elements in * array are present. * * @param array an array of float primitives. * @return true if all elements were present in the set. */ public boolean containsAll(float[] array) { for (int i = array.length; i-- > 0;) { if (! contains(array[i])) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Adds all of the elements in array to the set. * * @param array an array of float primitives. * @return true if the set was modified by the add all operation. */ public boolean addAll(float[] array) { boolean changed = false; for (int i = array.length; i-- > 0;) { if (add(array[i])) { changed = true; } } return changed; } /** * Removes all of the elements in array from the set. * * @param array an array of float primitives. * @return true if the set was modified by the remove all operation. */ public boolean removeAll(float[] array) { boolean changed = false; for (int i = array.length; i-- > 0;) { if (remove(array[i])) { changed = true; } } return changed; } /** * Removes any values in the set which are not contained in * array. * * @param array an array of float primitives. * @return true if the set was modified by the retain all operation */ public boolean retainAll(float[] array) { boolean changed = false; Arrays.sort(array); float[] set = _set; byte[] states = _states; for (int i = set.length; i-- > 0;) { if (states[i] == FULL && (Arrays.binarySearch(array,set[i]) < 0)) { remove(set[i]); changed = true; } } return changed; } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException { stream.defaultWriteObject(); // number of entries stream.writeInt(_size); SerializationProcedure writeProcedure = new SerializationProcedure(stream); if (! forEach(writeProcedure)) { throw writeProcedure.exception; } } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { stream.defaultReadObject(); int size = stream.readInt(); setUp(size); while (size-- > 0) { float val = stream.readFloat(); add(val); } } } // TFloatHashSet