This paper describes the production of a particular type of density information from spatial data for spatial analysis applications or spatial data mining. The specification of an abstraction resolution for a chosen spatial framework is all that is required to produce this density information. This detailed spatial framework used for the production of the density information should also be that used for the subsequent spatial analysis. What is good about this way of producing density information is that once a spatial framework for the spatial analysis has been detailed, no further subjective bias is imposed on the resulting density information (even from NODATA space). In other words, the only spatial bias is given by the shapes of the frame used to tesselate data space. This paper focusses on the production of density information for two dimensional square grids or rasters containing NODATA space that are commonly use in geocomputation. This paper describes the production of a particular type of density information from spatial data for spatial analysis applications. The specification of an abstraction resolution for a chosen spatial framework is all that is required to produce the density information. It is noted that the specified abstraction resolution and spatial framework chosen for the production of the density information should also be that for the subsequent spatial analysis. What is good about this way of producing density information is that once a spatial framework for the spatial analysis has been detailed, no further subjective bias is imposed on the resulting density information. In other words, the only spatial bias is given by the shapes used to tesselate space. This paper focusses on the production of density information for two dimensional square grids or rasters that are commonly use in geocomputation. initial abstraction resolution of is all that is needed to drive the production of density grids and their aggregation and cross scale combination form the basis for an iterative process that is the focus of this paper. This iterative process converges like a smoothing algorithm looking about its neighbours, but it converges more because of the limitations on the size and accuracy of numbers that the computer can handle. In viewing computer generated and displayed maps there are several resolutions or generalisations that effect the image your brain interprets. One relates to your own vision, that is, you can only see as well as your eyes let you. Another is related to the resolution of the screen or other output device that you are using to look at the maps. Another relates to the resolution of the software that I used to display and output the maps. There are others, but perhaps the most important resolution or generalisation in terms of the differences between some of the maps in this directory that are density values of the same thing at the same scale relate to the abstraction of the initial grids that were aggregated to make these maps. All the maps show the density of the roads over Great Britain (excluding some of the channel islands) as recorded in the Bartholomew's 1:200,000 scale (nominal) data set that I downloaded via KINDS under the CHEST aggreement in March 2000 (albeit that the density is given at different resolutions and ). The data depicting roads that is available in this data are a set of line vectors that have been collected via various means and cartographically generalised to produce nice maps. Clearly the road surface in reality is not a line on a flat area but it is a three dimensional surface on a three dimensional surface. By ignoring the three dimensional nature of the land surface and treating the road as if it is on a level plain and disregarding the fact that the road surface is actually it as flat and The Bartholomew's data I am interested in calculating the density of different features of the road network in space over time primarily for the analysis and explanation of road traffic accident patterns for my PhD. I am also interested in abstraction generalisation aggregation disaggregation density scale and change over time as a spatial analytical scientific modelling type person. I want to work out ways of working out what data is good for what and what things can usefully be done with data to render a particular model for a particular purpose. Hopefully this page and some maps in this directory will provide me with a means to help in thidevelop these idea help me discuss The study of the density of road generally Below