Distance and Density of Motorway Data

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Using ArcView a value was assigned to each cell corresponding to the distance from the nearest motorway. A fine grid was also constructed across the study region and the values in the cells were coded with a value 1 if they contained motorway and 0 otherwize. This fine grid was then aggregated to a 1DM resolution grid where the values in each cell was assigned as the sum of values in the smaller grid. This gave a proxy for motorway density. The view above shows a classification of distance and density values also created using ArcView.
Source=Bartholomew data


  • In future models other motorway related data layers could be useful, such as, distance from junctions, and density proxies at a larger scale aggregation.
  • As with the roads data the motorway data was stored in two seperate layers, one for density and the other for distance.


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    20th December 1997