Childcare facilities:

Childcare facilities for children between the ages of 3 months and 11 years are available within the University from Bright Beginnings. We have arranged a conference discount, with fees of £62.50 per child (food and nappies included) for a full day between 8.15am and 5.45pm, or £31.25 for a half day (8.15am to 1.00pm or 1.00pm to 5.45pm), however, as they can't hold places for us, we need to confirm numbers by June. With that in mind, please email expressions of interest to Fikir Assefa by the 1st June 2017. We will then get back to you to confirm places in time to take advantage of the early bird conference booking, which ends on the 19th June.

If you have other childcare needs, please do get in touch with the conference organisers; most of us are parents, and we're always happy to hear from people bringing children with them to Leeds.

Those bringing families over to the UK may also like to see our list of family friendly things to do around Leeds and Yorkshire.