Masters Programmes: Key Skills in Computing
Working in the Masters Lab

School of Geography, University of Leeds

This section will briefly discuss the Masters lab

It will cover:

Access to the lab

To gain access to the Masters lab, you need to get a transponder keyfob. Details of how to do this can be found here (Word doc). Before you go and collect one, please read the University's Lone Working Policy, as you'll be asked to sign it.

You are welcome to work in the lab any hours you need to. The University will occasionally close completely, but this is relatively rare.


Please never let anyone into the building or Masters lab that you do not know. This includes students undergraduates and students from outside of geography. Obviously, though, don't confront anyone determined to get in - your safety is more important than the building contents. In the very very unlikely event that someone forces their way in, or forces you to let them in, please raise the alarm if you can do so safely. The easiest way to do this is to set off a fire alarm; the nearest to the Masters lab is to leave the lab and turn right, following the corridor round. There is another by the nearby toilets. University security can be reached in an emergency on 0113 343 2222 (i.e. Ex 2222), or in a non-emergency on 0113 343 5494. If you set off an alarm, please let security know the situation as soon as is possible.

Computer security and locking

As noted on the Basics page, please do not lock the computers for extended periods of time.

This option is for using if you need to nip out of the room, not for reserving a machine while you go for lunch. If machines are found locked for more than ~5 minutes by staff, they will be rebooted, so make sure you save any work. If you need to run some software that will take hours/days you may lock the machine for this purpose if you:

Equally, never leave an unlocked PC when you leave the room, and never give someone else your logon details. If someone uses your PC to do something awful, you will be held responsible, and that could involve loss of your access to computing in the University and expulsion from the University.

Obviously you all signed the rules of use when you registered, so please stick to them, and please also follow any official signs on the walls of the Masters lab; try not to trash the place with late night partying, and bin any litter if you see it. Ta.

Printer credit

At some point you will need to buy printer credits from the IT website (NOTE IT are in the process of changing their name from "ISS", so materials may refer to either name at the moment).

To check your credits, go to MyPrint, or use MyPrint Balance, which is linked from an icon on your desktop:

Desktop screenshot

Help with issues

Please note that if you have any difficulties with equipment in the Masters lab, you should email the faculty IT team. Their address is

Issues with specific software for the modules (rather than Word etc.) is best addressed, in the first instance, to the member of staff in charge of the module.

Alternatively, if you have any issues with computers elsewhere on campus, or with your M:Drive space, or general account issues, please see the University IT Service Desk. This can be found on the E.C.Stoner branch of 'Red Route' (i.e. from the Union, go down passed the Edward Boyle library and turn left). They can also be found online here.

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