Getting Stuff online

School of Geography, University of Leeds

If you have an ISS user account, you can upload your files onto a web server so the world can see them. This is very easy as the ISS webserver can pull the files from your user space.

The first thing to do is to make yourself a homepage. This will be the first page everyone sees when they come to your site, and should have links to all the other pages you've made. The filename for this file should be index.html. This filename will ensure this is the default page for your website.

Once you have your index.html and other pages, make a directory in your ISS space called WWW (capital letters) and copy the files into it. The www directory should be in the lowest area of your user space, i.e. not inside any other directory.

File tree example

Note: your ISS drive may not be the letter k, as in the image above.

You should now be able to see the file at...

Where geoyou is your login name. Because you've called your file index.html you can also leave the filename off the end of the address - the webserver will send it out as the default.

Your site may end up being quite complex, so you can structure it by putting more directories inside the www directory. Each directory can have its own index.html. If we had a directory work in www, we'd reference its index file like this...

You can put almost anything you like in your personal webpages, but please note the guidelines for use, especially the JANET Acceptable use policy which you signed up to when you got an account.

[School of Geography homepage] [Leeds University homepage]