Installing Eclipse for Arc 10 Development

First, download Eclipse for Java Developers and install it. Don't run it yet though -- read the below first.

When you run eclipse,. if it asks for a directory to use, open windows explorer and make one (on our systems, use m:\java\eclipse\). Go back to Eclipse and give it the directory you've set up, and click the option for it to use it as the default. On our systems it shouldn't ask for this directory, but it may.

Go to Help menu -> Install New Software...

Next to the Work with: box, click on the Add... then Local... and navigate to C:\ArcGIS1041\Desktop10.4\DeveloperKit10.4\java\tools\eclipse_plugin\arcgis_update_site\arcobjects (if this isn't there, try in C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/ etc.) or the equivalent directory wherever ArcGIS is installed. Click ok when you've selected the arcobjects directory. Back on the main wizard page for adding new software, "Arc GIS" should appear in the box below (if it doesn't, click in the "work with" box and click the return/enter key). Mouseover it, and a small triangle should appear in front of the words, if it isn't already there.

Expand the list of available plugins by clicking the triangle and select "ESRI ArcObjects", but not "ESRI ArcObjects Palette". Click Next and work though the Wizard. This will take a while. When the wizard finishes considering the first screen, click next and agree to the license (if you do!). Click "Finish". At the end it will ask you if you want to restart. Do so. You should now see ESRI Template options under file -> New -> Project... (NB: NOT "Java Project")