Analysis: Visualisation
[Part 7 of 12]

Having covered some major aspects of data preparation: data in Arc, databases, and text-formats, we'll now move on to look at some areas of analysis that are useful for spatial problem solving. In this part we'll look at visualisation, and in the next part we'll look at maths, stats, and other analysis tools.

First up for visualisation, graphing data in Java.

Screenshot: A slide from the powerpoint

Graphing (powerpoint)

Further info:


Javascript InfoVis Toolkit
D3.js Javascript library
Raphael Javascript library

Next up, visualising geographical data outside of GIS.

Further info:

Keyhole Markup Language (KML): standard and documentation.
KML Test suite
Ballistic trajectories in KML (also)
Animations in KML
For a GoogleMaps example that uses a GeoRSS stream, see Full Examples page

Google WebGL Globe

GML and GeoTools
XML and GeoTools
(See org.geotools.gml in docs)

Cartogram Geoprocessing Tool
ScapeToad (source code)

Screenshot: A slide from the powerpoint

Geographical data (powerpoint)

Finally, 'Processing' a powerful general visualisation language and environment based on Java.

Screenshot: A slide from the powerpoint

Processing (powerpoint)

Further info:


Processing homepage
Processing reserved variable names / keywords
Eclipse plugin
How to write processing within standard java
Nice tutorial on using Twitter with Processing (cheers to ex-student Olly [who has done some nice work with twitter on the web using processing.js])
MapThing Mapping library for Processing
City Uni's giCenter Processing utilities
giCenter's geoMapper
giCenter's handy
Information is beautiful awards

[Key ideas walked through in associated practical]