Assessment 1

This assignment centres around building a drop-down "to do" list tool for analysts.

The specification is this:

  1. somewhere on the GUI, analysts should be able to create a short drop-down list of "to do" tasks;
  2. they should be able to easily add and remove tasks;
  3. each document they open should have its own task-list;
  4. the system should be robust and easy to use.

Getting started:

There are drop-down lists built into both Java (AWT; Swing) and Arc ("comboboxes": addins like the buttons we looked at). There are more details of the latter on the Arc tutorial pages for addins.

You are welcome to add your tool to the GUI as you feel and include any other items you think might be useful but the tool must use a drop-down list rather than just being a notepad (you can add that as well if you think it would be useful!). That said, I would strongly advise using the Arc comboboxes. Don't try and use a dockable window: these only really work for display, not interaction.

You can find some help getting started on this page of hints and tips.