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Building websites

One of the great things about GitHub is that it will host webpages for you for free.

Not only can you build personal pages, line online portfolios and blogs, but you can build pages for specific analysis projects, linking code, data, and visualisation all in the same place; see, for example, this page which tracked Iceland's last volcanic eruption in real time.

Such pages can be associated with you/an organisation or a specific project. You just have to match the GitHub use guide. Your URL will be either name.github.io, for you or an organisation, or username.github.io/projectname, for a project.

We'll see in a bit how you build content for a site. The first thing, however, is to decide where to keep the associated files.

If you want a personal or organisation website, you need to make a repo called name.github.io in your personal or organisation space, where name is your username or the name of the organisation. Anything you then put in the master branch of this repo will then contribute to the website.

For a project website, you have more choice – you can either use the master branch (but then everything in there is part of the website), specify a directory called docs within the repo as the source, or make a new project branch called gh-pages as the source (this is the traditional way, but a docs directory is simpler if you don't want to fuss with swapping between branches). We haven't talked about branches much, as they tend to be used for large projects, but if you want to set one up, there are instructions on this page. To set up which you want to use for a project, there are options under the project Settings (see picture).

Screenshot: sources


Note also that in order to get GitHub Desktop to recognise a new docs directory in the repo on your drive, you may have to put a file in it. Put an empty text file called index.html in there, as that's the name of default website pages.

Let's make a personal website. Using what you've learnt, make yourself another directory on your drive called m:/GEOGXXXXX/name.github.io (where "name" is your username – note that you don't need to capitalise it if you don't want if your username contains capitals), and make an associated repo with the same name. Publish the repo.

Now let's make some simple content. You basically have two choices with regards GitHub pages. You can use plain "HTML", in which case you can write the site yourself, or you can use "markdown", in which case you can use the GitHub templates. We'll come back to markdown in a bit. For the moment we'll work in HTML.

The default name for the default page on any website is index.html. Make a text file called this in your new repo, making sure your editor saves as text format, and doesn't call it index.html.txt.

Edit the content to match the following:

Hello world

We'll explain this in a second. For now, save the file, commit and push it to GitHub.

On the GitHub website, go to the repo you've just created, and go to its Settings. Under the GitHub Pages section, choose as the Source the master branch from the drop down list.

Then go to the URL https://name.github.io, where name is your username (this is also linked from the top of the GitHub Pages section in Settings. You should see the text "Hello world", and if your browser displays a title on a tab or at the top of the browser, it should say "Test". Congrats, your website is live!


You can use capitals or not, as you like when visiting the site – it'll work either way for the main address. However, the URL of projects etc. under it need capitalising properly. So, if you have a site for a repo "project"

https://name.github.io/project will work as well as
https://Name.github.io/project, but
https://name.github.io/Project will probably fail because the repo is in lower case.

Note that the full address of your file is:
but index.html is the default file sent out by webservers when a filename is missing, so we can miss it off.

We've used "Hello world" here, as it is a tradition for coders. Programmers usually start with showing "Hello world" on a screen as their first program, as it's the simplest way to tell a program has run.

The code you've added above is in a language called the "Hypertext Markup Language", or "HTML". It is the language all websites are made from. A hypertext is a text that can be linked with other pages (in the case of HTML through clickable links). You can find a brief introduction to HTML and writing webpages here.

Handcrafting your own HTML site definitely gives you the most control, but it is quite an art. GitHub offers a couple of quick solutions instead. The first, for relatively simple websites, is to write them in "markdown". Markdown, which we saw when we talked about Readme.md files is a simple text formating language. Try adding a file to your repo called index2.md, editing in the following content:

title: Test

Hello World

Push it to the repo, and then visit:
You should see that GitHub has turned the markdown file automatically into HTML for you. If you look on GitHub's website for your repo, you'll see that it does this without creating a permanent HTML file.

You can find a brief tutorial on writing markdown on this GitHub page. Note that you can use HTML in your markdown files (just don't add a HTML HEAD or BODY).

The second way GitHub makes things easier is with their automatic application of themes. In the background, GitHub runs something called Jekyll which builds HTML and markdown into templated websites. Each template imposes a theme and structure on the site. You can use Jekyll on your local machine to build websites where it is easy to change to look of the site (we use Jekyll to make this website, for example), but GitHub can apply themes/templates automatically as well. The easiest way to do this is by creating your site as markdown files and then pick a theme from those offered by GitHub.

Let's apply a theme to our index2.md file. Go to the repo's Settings, and the GitHub Pages section. Click on Choose a theme, and scroll through the themes at the top until you see one you like. Select it so it shows, and then click Select theme. Go back to your site and view index2.html. Refresh it, and you should see the theme imposed on the page (it may take a few seconds to rebuild).

Screenshot: automatic page generator

If you want to use the theme generator for your whole site, delete the index.html, and rename index2.md to index.md. Use markdown for your pages; you can still write HTML into them. If, on the other hand, you want to build the site yourself, continue in HTML. You can always use Jekyll locally and push the files it builds to GitHub for the highest level of control, once you master the system.

That's it! Have a play, and try some stuff out. Add some text, and maybe a link to your other repo so people can download your exciting text file! This is a great space for storing work you want to distribute, building up a portfolio of analysis work, code, data, or whatever. Although we filtered out Office files earlier, you can certainly add images for your webpages. For larger files that aren't text, GitHub have added a service, but it is mainly for code releases.

If you want to really dig into the capabilities of GitHub, you should check out Jekyll which works well with GitHub. It is especially good for blogs, which GitHub will store. More info here.