import java.util.*; /** * This code is an agent based model of cops and robbers. * It makes a set of cops and robbers, the ratio dependent on a probability. * Robbers will take gold from other robbers they meet, but also take it from the environment, * where there are piles of it (banks). * Cops will take gold from robbers, and then arrest them, removing them from the * model. * The code can be run as is, by moving to the directory it is in and typing: * java Model * (without the starting asterisk) or, you can change the values by giving it command line arguments in this form: * java Model numberOfAgents(whole number) iterations(whole number) probabilityOfCop(between 0 and < 1) * e.g. * java Model 100 200 0.2 * Note that the code is written to be as simple as possible for beginners to read, * rather than for efficiency and elegance. * @author Andy Evans */ public class Model { int numberOfAgents = 100; int iterations = 100; double probabilityOfCop = 0.1; double probabilityOfBank = 0.1; int bankGold = 10; int width = 100; int height = 100; public Model(String[] args) { // This just picks up if the user has run with any command line arguments, // otherwise defaults above used. if (args.length > 0) { try { numberOfAgents = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); iterations = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); probabilityOfCop = Double.parseDouble(args[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("Run with: java Model numberOfAgents(whole number) iterations(whole number) probabilityOfCop(between 0 and < 1)"); System.exit(1); } } // Make a grid, and set some cells as banks i.e. give the cell some gold. int[][] environment = new int[width][height]; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (Math.random() < probabilityOfBank) { environment[x][y] = bankGold; } } } // Make the agents ArrayList allAgents = new ArrayList(); for (int counter = 0; counter < numberOfAgents; counter = counter + 1) { Agent agent = new Agent(); agent.x = (int)(Math.random() * width); // Give a random x coordinate. agent.y = (int)(Math.random() * height); // Give a random y coordinate. // Make sure the agent knows how big the environment is so it // doesn't wander off the edge. agent.environment = environment; agent.width = width; agent.height = height; // Make sure each agent has the list of all agents. agent.allAgents = allAgents; // Make the agent either a cop or a robber. if (Math.random() < probabilityOfCop) { = "cop"; } else { = "robber"; } // Add agent to the list of all agents. allAgents.add(agent); } // Run the model the number of requested iterations. for (int counter = 0; counter < iterations; counter = counter + 1) { // Move all the agents. for (Agent agent: allAgents) { agent.move(); } // Once all agents are in their new location, get them // to act. Note that we don't get them to act until // all the agents have had a fair chance to move. for (Agent agent: allAgents) { agent.act(); } // Go through and remove any robbers the cops have arrested. // We use an iterator here, which is slightly more complicated than the // loops above, as we want to remove agents as we run through the collection of // them. Iterator allAgentsIterator = allAgents.iterator(); while (allAgentsIterator.hasNext()) { Agent agent =; if (agent.toBeRemoved == true) allAgentsIterator.remove(); } } // At this point the model has finished. We iterate through // the remaining agents to find out about them and print some // statistics to the screen. int countCops = 0; int copGold = 0; int countRobbers = 0; int robberGold = 0; for (Agent agent: allAgents) { if("cop")) { countCops = countCops + 1; copGold = copGold +; } else { countRobbers = countRobbers + 1; robberGold = robberGold +; } } System.out.print("After " + iterations + " iterations, there are "); System.out.print(countCops + " cops with " + copGold + " gold pieces and "); System.out.println(countRobbers + " robbers with " + robberGold + " gold pieces."); } // Model ignition system. public static void main (String args[]) { new Model(args); } }