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Summary so far

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  1. Coding is telling a computer what to do in a way it understands.
    Half of coding is learning how to talk like a computer.
  2. Computers aren't clever. They need to be told in their words in exactly the way they want them.
    Half of coding is fixing "bugs" in your code.
  3. Being good at programming doesn't mean you have less problems. You just get harder ones.
    When you like fixing problems with code, you are a coder.

Key terms:

Things for a computer to do, written so the computer can read it.
A complete set of things for a computer to do, to finish a whole job.
A set of words and syntax for talking to a computer. There are lots of different languages.
The rules for ordering the words when you talk to the computer.
A bad bit in a program that stops a computer doing the right job or understanding what you are asking.
Fixing code the computer can't read, or which does the wrong thing.

Now we're in a position to think through talking to a computer in detail.